
Table Of Contents








理解 Monad
高級 Monad
Monad 進階
Monadic parser combinators
Monad transformers
Monad 實務


Lens 和引用




Equational reasoning
Program derivation
Category theory
The Curry-Howard isomorphism
fix 和遞歸


Step by Step Examples
Graph reduction
Algorithm complexity
Data structures


The Hierarchical Libraries
IO:Random Numbers







本章節展示了如何安裝軟體,以便讓你用 Haskell 編寫程序。




Haskell 是一種程式語言,表達人類如何讓計算機工作。類似寫菜譜,人來寫而計算機負責烹調。

要運行 Haskell 編寫的程序,首先,你需要一個 Haskell 編譯器。編譯器是一種電腦程式,將 Haskell 代碼變成機器碼,而電腦能理解機器碼。照上頭的比喻來說的話,編譯器就是把麵糊(程式碼)轉化為餅乾(可執行檔)的烤爐,而在經過烘烤後,要得知原來的食譜是困難的。

下載並安裝 Haskell platform,它包含 Glasgow Haskell Compiler(縮寫:GHC)與其他所需組件。

如果你只是想試試 Haskell,或者不願意完整地安裝編譯器,你可能會喜歡 Hugs,Haskell的輕量級可攜式直譯器,或 TryHaskell,一個線上直譯器。值得注意的是本課程假定你使用的是 GHC。


給 UNIX 用戶:

如果你是想編譯源碼的人:這對於 GHC 來說是一個壞主意, 特別是如果你是第一次安裝。GHC 本身幾乎全部使用 Haskell 編寫,所以試著手工從源碼引導它的編譯是非常麻煩的。除此之外,編譯會消耗大量時間並且消耗大量磁碟空間。如果你堅持從源碼編譯 GHC,參見GHC主頁上的「編譯和移植GHC」.

簡而言之,我們強烈建議安裝 Haskell platform 而非從源碼編譯。


在 Haskell Platform 安裝完畢後,現在可以開始寫第一份 Haskell 代碼了。 需要使用一個叫做GHCi(i代表交互式,interactive)。根據不同的作業系統,進行以下操作

  • Windows:『開始』菜單,然後『運行』,輸入 cmd 並回車,輸入 ghci 後再次回車
  • MacOS:打開在『應用程式/實用工具』中的『終端』,在新打開的窗口中輸入 ghci 並按回車
  • Linux:打開一個終端(或模擬器)然後運行 ghci 程序


GHCi, version 8.6.5: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help

首先看到的是 GHCi 的版本號。然後提示你正在載入基本包,可以通過 :?help 命令查找幫助。最後的 Prelude> 就是提示符了。你可以在這之後輸入命令,GHCi 會立刻把計算出來的結果顯示出來。

現在可以開始寫第一份 Haskell 代碼了,讓我們先來試一試一些基本的算術功能:

Prelude> 2 + 2
Prelude> 5 + 4 * 3
Prelude> 2 ^ 5

這些運算符和其它程式語言中是大致相同的:+ 是加法,* 是乘法,^ 是乘方。由第二個例子,我們能看出 Haskell 遵守一般的運算子優先順位。

現在我們已經知道如何把 Haskell 當作計算器使用,Haskell 語言中的關鍵點在於,它總是像計算器,當我們不僅僅計算數字,而是與其他像字符、列表、函數、樹甚至其他程序等對象來使用時便顯得更加強大(如果你現在還不熟悉,用不著擔心)。

如果你想關閉解釋器 GHCi,可以使用 :quit (或者 :q):

Prelude> :quit
Leaving GHCi.

GHCi 是一個非常強大的開發平台。隨著課程的進行,我們會學到如何在 GHCi 中載入源文件,並計算其中不同的部分。

下一章節,我們會介紹 Haskell 基本概念。然後會寫我們第一個函數。


起步  >> 變量和函數  >> 列表和元組  >> 更進一步  >> 類型基礎  >> 簡單的輸入輸出  >> 類型聲明


Haskell基礎 >> 初級Haskell >> Haskell進階 >> Monads
高級Haskell >> 類型的樂趣 >> 理論提升 >> Haskell性能

庫參考 >> 普通實務 >> 特殊任務






ghci> 3.1416 * 5^2

在前一章節中,我們知道了如何做像加法和減法這樣的算術運算。提問:半徑是5厘米的圓的面積是多少?別擔心,你並不是錯看了幾何課本。這個圓的面積是 ,其中 是半徑(5厘米), 簡單地說就是 。那麼,讓我們在GHCi中試一下吧:

   ___         ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |      GHC Interactive, version 6.4.1, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |      http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
\____/\/ /_/\____/|_|      Type :? for help.

Loading package base-1.0 ... linking ... done.


Prelude> 3.14 * 5^2


Prelude> 3.14159265358979323846264338327950 * (5 ^ 2)

很好,這次我們來計算一下圓的周長(提示: )。

Prelude> 2 * 3.14159265358979323846264338327950 * 5


Prelude> 3.14159265358979323846264338327950 * (25 ^ 2)


Prelude> let pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950



Prelude> pi



Prelude> pi * 5^2
Prelude> pi * 25^2

我們這裡所說的「變量」("variables"),在其它函數式編程的書籍中經常被叫做是「符號」("symbols")。那是因為在其它的語言中,也就是命令式語言中,變量被賦予了完全不同的使用方式:跟蹤狀態(keeping track of state)。在Haskell中的變量不是這樣的:變量保存了一個值,然後再也不可以修改它了。



Prelude> let r = 25
Prelude> 2 * pi * r

    Couldn't match `Double' against `Integer'
      Expected type: Double
      Inferred type: Integer
    In the second argument of `(*)', namely `r'
    In the definition of `it': it = (2 * pi) * r



Prelude> let r = 25 :: Double
Prelude> 2 * pi * r



事實上在這個難題背後有一點點微妙。它涉及一個叫作單一同態限定(monomorphism restriction)的語言特性。事實上現在你不需要知道這個,所以如果只想快一點你可以跳過這條提示。除了指定Double類型,你也可以給它一個多態(polymorphic)類型,像Num a => a,意思是"屬於Num類的任意類型a"。示例代碼如下,它們運行起來像先前的代碼一樣:

Prelude> let r = 25 :: Num a => a
Prelude> 2 * pi * r




Prelude> let area = pi * 5^2



Prelude> let r = 25.0
Prelude> let area2 = pi * r ^ 2
Prelude> area2


Prelude> let r = 2.0
Prelude> area2


Prelude> let area3 = pi * r ^ 2
Prelude> area3




Prelude> let pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950
Prelude> let area r = pi * r ^ 2


Prelude> area 5
Prelude> area 25

函數的出現使得我們對代碼的重用方面有了極大的飛躍。先等一下,讓我們來剖析一下上面事物的本質。注意到area r = ...中的r了嗎?這就是所謂的參數。參數用來表示一個函數的輸入。當Haskell在執行這個函數的時候,參數的值是來自於外部的。在area這個例子中,當你調用area 5的時候,r5,而調用area 25的時候,r25.



Prelude> let r = 0
Prelude> let area r = pi * r ^ 2
Prelude> area 5
  1. 你認為會發生什麼?
  2. 實際發生了什麼為什麼(提示:記得以前我們提過的「作用域」嗎?))




Prelude> let r = 0
Prelude> let area r = pi * r ^ 2
Prelude> area 5

你可能認為會得到一個0,但結果出乎你的預料。原因就上我們上面所說的,一個命名參數的值是你調用這個函數時傳入的。那就是我們的老朋友,作用域。let r = 0中的r和我們定義的函數area中的r,並不是同一個r。在area中的r覆蓋了其它的r。你可以認為Haskell選取了一個最近的一個r。如果你有很多朋友都叫John,那麼和你在一起的那個John就是你在說話中提到的那個Jonh。類似的,r的值是什麼取決於作用域。



Prelude> let areaRect l w = l * w
Prelude> areaRect 5 10


Prelude> let areaTriangle b h = (b * h) / 2
Prelude> areaTriangle 3 9

參數傳入的方式很直接:只需要根據和定義時一樣的順序傳入參數就可以了。因此,areaTriangle 3 9會給出底為3而高為9的三角形面積,而areaTriangle 9 3將給出底為9而高為3的三角形面積。




Prelude> let areaRect l w = l * w
Prelude> let areaSquare s = areaRect s s
Prelude> areaSquare 5
編寫一個計算圓柱體體積的函數. 圓柱體的體積是圓形底的面積 (你已經在這章編寫了這個函數, 所以重新利用它) 乘以高.


  1. 變量保存著值。其實,他們可以保存任意的Haskell表達式。
  2. 變量不可以改變。
  3. 函數可以幫助你編寫可重複利用的代碼。
  4. 函數可以接受一個以上的參數。


  1. 依據讀者以前的編程經驗:變量不可以改變?我只能得到常量?震驚!恐怖!不……相信我們,我們希望在這本書的剩下部分給你說明,不改變一個單一的變量對你大有幫助!事實上,這些不能改變的變量可以使生活更加方便,因為它可以使程序變得更加可以預測。


起步  >> 變量和函數  >> 列表和元組  >> 更進一步  >> 類型基礎  >> 簡單的輸入輸出  >> 類型聲明


Haskell基礎 >> 初級Haskell >> Haskell進階 >> Monads
高級Haskell >> 類型的樂趣 >> 理論提升 >> Haskell性能

庫參考 >> 普通實務 >> 特殊任務





上一章我們介紹了Haskell變量和函數的概念。 在Haskell程序中,函數是兩個主要的構成塊之一。另一個則是通用列表。那麼乾脆,我們切換到解釋器里,並創建一些列表:

例子 - 在解釋器中創建列表

Prelude> let numbers = [1,2,3,4]
Prelude> let truths  = [True, False, False]
Prelude> let strings = ["here", "are", "some", "strings"]

方括號指出列表的開始和結束,逗號操作符","分隔列表元素。另外,列表元素必須是同一類型。因此, [42, "life, universe and everything else"] 不是一個正確的列表,因為它包含了兩種不同類型的元素,也就分別是整型和字符串型。而 [12, 80] 或者, ["beer", "sandwiches"] 都是合法的列表,因為他們都是單一類型的。


Prelude> let mixed = [True, "bonjour"]

    Couldn't match `Bool' against `[Char]'
      Expected type: Bool
      Inferred type: [Char]
    In the list element: "bonjour"
    In the definition of `mixed': mixed = [True, "bonjour"]





例子: 把數據附加(Cons)到列表

Prelude> let numbers = [1,2,3,4]
Prelude> numbers
Prelude> 0:numbers



例子: 附加(Cons)

Prelude> 1:0:numbers
Prelude> 2:1:0:numbers
Prelude> 5:4:3:2:1:0:numbers

事實上所有的列表都是在一個空的列表([])的基礎上通過附加數據創建的。逗號與方括號的記法實際上是一種語法糖般的令人愉快的形式。 換句話說,[1,2,3,4,5]精確地等同於1:2:3:4:5:[]



例子: Whoops!

Prelude> 1:2

    No instance for (Num [a])
      arising from the literal `2' at <interactive>:1:2
    Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (Num [a])
    In the second argument of `(:)', namely `2'
    In the definition of `it': it = 1 : 2



例子: 更簡單但仍然錯誤

Prelude> True:False

    Couldn't match `[Bool]' against `Bool'
      Expected type: [Bool]
      Inferred type: Bool
    In the second argument of `(:)', namely `False'
    In the definition of `it': it = True : False

可以看到(:)cons構建適用於something:someList這種形式,但當我們將其使用於something:somethingElse形式下時它就不適用了。可以看到(:)cons是如何依賴於列表的。 在這裡我們開始接觸到類型的概念。讓我們來總結一下:

  • 列表中的元素必須有相同的類型
  • 只能附加(cons)數據到一個列表上


  1. 如下Haskell是否正確: 3:[True,False]?為什麼?
  2. 寫一個函數cons88添加到一個列表中。並進行如下測試:
    1. cons8 []
    2. cons8 [1,2,3]
    3. cons8 [True,False]
    4. let foo = cons8 [1,2,3]
    5. cons8 foo
  3. 寫一個有兩個參數的函數,一個參數為list,另一個為thing,把thing附加到list。你可以這樣開始let myCons list thing =




例子: 列表可以包含列表

Prelude> let listOfLists = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] 
Prelude> listOfLists


  1. 下列哪些是正確的Haskell表達式,哪些不是?用cons記法重寫。
    1. [1,2,3,[]]
    2. [1,[2,3],4]
    3. [[1,2,3],[]]
  2. 下列哪些是正確的Haskell表達式,哪些不是?用逗號和方括號記法重寫。
    1. []:[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
    2. []:[]
    3. []:[]:[]
    4. [1]:[]:[]
  3. Haskell中可以創建包含由列表組成的列表的列表嗎?為什麼能或者為什麼不能?
  4. 下面的列表為什麼不正確?如果你還不能回答不要太煩惱。
    1. [[1,2],3,[4,5]]







例子: 一些元組

(True, 1)
("Hello world", False)
(4, 5, "Six", True, 'b')

第一個例子是一個有兩個元素的元組,第一個元素是True第二個是1。第二個例子同樣是一個有兩個元素的元組,第一個是"Hello world"第二個是False。第三個例子比較複雜,這個元組有五個元素,第一個是數字4,第二個是數字5,第三個是"Six",第四個是True,最後一個是字母'b'。元組的組成就是用逗號吧各個元素分開,兩端圍上圓括號。



  1. 寫一個 3-tuple 第一個元素為 4, 第二個元素為 "hello" , 第三個元素為 True。
  2. 以下哪幾個是元組 ?
    1. (4, 4)
    2. (4, "hello")
    3. (True, "Blah", "foo")
  3. 往一個列表堆疊(consing)新的元素: 你可以往一個數字列表添加數字,得到一個數字列表,但是元組是沒有這種堆疊方法的。
    1. 你是怎樣理解的?
    2. 討論:如果有一個函數可以對元組進行堆疊,堆疊後得到的是什麼?


當你想在某個函數中返回多個值的時候,元組很好使。在大多數語言中,返回多個值意味著那些值必須被封裝成一種特殊的資料結構,而這種資料結構也許僅僅就在這個函數中使用一次(這種情況下顯得有點浪費)。 在Haskell中,僅僅需要返回一個元組就夠了。


你也可將元組視為一種原子資料結構。 這需要對類型有所了解,而到我們還沒說到那。



好的,我們已經看到,簡單地使用(x, y, z)語法,可以把數值放進元組。我們怎樣再把它們取出來?例如,元組的一個典型用途是儲存一個點的(x, y)坐標:想像你有一個棋盤,而你想要指定一個特定的方格。你可以通過給所有的行打上從1到8的標籤來做到,列同理,然後說,(2, 5)代表第2行第5列。我們要定義一個能找出一個給定列中所有點的函數。方法之一是找到所有點的坐標,然後看行部分是否等於我們要找的行。一旦有了一個點的坐標(x, y),這個函數將需要提取x(行部分)。這裡有兩個函數可以做到,fstsnd,它們分別「投影」出一個對中的第一和第二個元素(用數學語言來說,從結構體中取出數據的函數叫做「投影」(Projection))。讓我們來看一些例子:


例子: 使用fstsnd

Prelude> fst (2, 5)
Prelude> fst (True, "boo")
Prelude> snd (5, "Hello")


  1. 使用fstsnd的組合將4從(("Hello", 4), True)中取出。
  2. 思考列表 [(4, 'a'),(5,'b')] 與 列表 [(4, 1),(5, 2)] 之間的區別。



例子: first的定義

 Prelude> let first (x, y) = x
 Prelude> first (3, True) 

這就是說如果輸入(x, y)first (x, y)會返回x




例子: 嵌入元組和列表

((2,3), True)
((2,3), [2,3])
[(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)]



  1. 以下哪些是正確的Haskell表達式,為什麼?
    • fst [1,2]
    • 1:(2,3)
    • (2,4):(2,3)
    • (2,4):[]
    • [(2,4),(5,5),('a','b')]
    • ([2,4],[2,2])



  1. 列表用方括號和逗號定義:[1,2,3].
    • 它們可以包含任意數據,只要這個列表的所有元素都屬於相同類型
    • 也可以用cons操作符(:)來創建它們,但是你只能附加(cons)數據到列表
  2. 元組用圓括號和逗號定義:("Bob",32)
    • 它們可以包含任意數據,甚至不同類型的數據
    • 它們有一個固定的長度,或者至少它們的長度被它們的類型決定。就是說,兩個不同長度的元組有不同的類型。
  3. 列表和元組可以任意方式嵌套:列表組成的列表,元組組成的列表,等等

我們希望在這一刻,你已經能熟練運用Haskell的基本構建(變量,函數,列表),因為我們現在會轉移到一些更振奮人心的主題,類型和遞歸。 類型,雖然我們已經在這一章提及了三次,但是卻沒有明確說明它是什麼。 在解釋什麼是類型前,我們還是先對GHC作一個介紹,使你能更好地使用GHC解釋器。


  1. 你應該反對因為你認為那甚至不是一個正確的單詞。好的,它不是。在程式設計師中,一個由LISP開始的傳統是把這種追加元素到列表頭部的操作稱為"consing"。因為這是一種構造列表的方式,所以這個動詞在這裡是"cons",也就是"constructor"(構造)的簡寫。
  2. 這至少涉及到類型,但是我們正試著避免使用這個詞 :)
  3. 更專業的說,fstsnd有限制它們配對的類型。你將不能定義通用的以元組為參數的射影函數(projection function),因為它們將不得不接受不同大小的數據,從而使這個函數的類型多樣化。


起步  >> 變量和函數  >> 列表和元組  >> 更進一步  >> 類型基礎  >> 簡單的輸入輸出  >> 類型聲明


Haskell基礎 >> 初級Haskell >> Haskell進階 >> Monads
高級Haskell >> 類型的樂趣 >> 理論提升 >> Haskell性能

庫參考 >> 普通實務 >> 特殊任務






area r = pi * r^2

(為避免你的疑慮,pi事實上已經被Haskell定義,不需要在這裡包含它了)。現在轉到你保存文件的目錄,打開ghci,然後使用 :load(或者簡寫為 :l):

Prelude> :load Varfun.hs
Compiling Main             ( Varfun.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.

如果ghci給出一個錯誤,"Could not find module 'Varfun.hs'"(「找不到模塊'Varfun.hs'」),那麼使用:cd來改變當前目錄到包含Varfun.hs的目錄:

Prelude> :cd c:\myDirectory
Prelude> :load Varfun.hs
Compiling Main             ( Varfun.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.


*Main> area 5

如果你修改了文件,只需使用:reload(簡寫為 :r)來重新載入文件。






let x = 3
let y = 2
let area r = pi * r ^ 2


x = 3
y = 2
area r = pi * r ^ 2




Prelude> let r = 5
Prelude> r
Prelude> let r = 2
Prelude> r


r = 5
r = 2




 y = x * 2
 x = 3
 x = 3
 y = x * 2




當我們開始使用源文件工作而不只是在解釋器中敲一些代碼時,定義多個子函數會讓工作變得簡單。 讓我們開始見識Haskell函數的威力吧。


if / then / else

Haskell支持標準的條件表達式。我們可以定義一個參數小於 時返回 、參數等於 時返回 、參數大於 時返回 的函數。事實上,這個函數已經存在(被稱為符號(signum)函數),但是讓我們定義一個我們自己的,把它叫做mySignum

mySignum x =
    if x < 0 then 
    else if x > 0 then 




*Main> mySignum 5
*Main> mySignum 0
*Main> mySignum (5-10)
*Main> mySignum (-1)


Haskell中的結構與大多數其它程式語言非常相似;無論如何,你必須同時有一個then一個else子句。在執行條件語句 後如果它的值為True,接著會執行then部分;在執行條件語句 後如果它的值為False,接著會執行else部分。

你可以把程序修改到文件里然後重新裝載到GHCI中,除了可以用命令:l Varfun.hs 重新裝載外,你還可以通過更快捷更簡單的方法:reload:r 把當前已經載入的文件重新載入。


Haskell跟很多語言一樣提供了 case 結構用於組合多個條件語句。(case其實有更強大的功能 -- 詳情可以參考 模式匹配).

假設我們要定義一個這樣的函數,如果它的參數為 它會輸出 ;如果它的參數為 它會輸出 ;如果它的參數為 它會輸出 ;如果它的參數為其它,它會輸出 。如果使用if 語句我們會得到一個可讀性很差的函數。但我們可以用case語句寫出如下形式可讀性更強的函數:

f x =
    case x of
      0 -> 1
      1 -> 5
      2 -> 2
      _ -> (-1)

在這個程序中,我們定義了函數f它有一個參數x,它檢查x的值。如果它的值符合條件 那麼f的值為 ,如果它的值符合條件 那麼f的值為 ,如此類推。如果x不符合之前任何列出的值那麼f的值為 "_"為「通配符」表示任何值都可以符合這個條件)

注意在這裡縮進是非常重要的。Haskell 使用一個叫「layout"的布局系統對程序的代碼進行維護(Python 語言也使用一個相似的系統)。這個布局系統允許我們可以不需要像C,Java語言那樣加分號跟花括號來對代碼段進行分割。


更多了解請到 縮進。 有人不喜歡使用使用縮進的布局方法,而使用分號跟花括號的方法。如果使用這種方法,以上的程序可以寫成以下的形式:

f x = case x of
        { 0 -> 1 ; 1 -> 5 ; 2 -> 2 ; _ -> -1 }

當然, 如果你使用分號跟花括號的布局方法, 你可以更隨意地編寫你的代碼。以下的方式是完全可以的。

f x =
    case x of { 0 -> 1 ;
      1 -> 5 ; 2 -> 2
   ; _ -> -1 }




f 0 = 1
f 1 = 5
f 2 = 2
f _ = -1

就跟以上的case語句一樣,函數的執行是與定義的順序有關的。如果我們把最後的一行移到最前面,那麼無論參數是什麼,函數f的值都會是-1,無論是0 ,1 ,2 (大部分編譯器會對這種參數定義重合發出警告)。如果我們不使用f _ = -1,當函數遇到 0 ,1 ,2 以外的參數時會拋出一個錯誤(大部分編譯器也會會發出警告)。這種函數分段定義的方法是非常常用的,而且會經常在這個教程裡面使用。以上的方法跟case語句實質上是等價的 —— 函數分段定義將被翻譯成case語句


複雜的函數可以通過簡單的函數相互合成進行構建。函數合成就是把一個函數的結果作為另一個函數的參數。其實我們曾經在起步那一章見過,5*4+3就是兩個函數合成。在這個例子中 先執行,然後執行的結果作為   參數,最後得出結果。我們也可以把這種方法應用到squaref

square x = x^2


*Main> square (f 1)
*Main> square (f 2)
*Main> f (square 1)
*Main> f (square 2)

每一個函數的結果都是顯而易見的。在例子的第一句中括號是非常必要的;不然,解釋器認為你要嘗試得到square f的值,但這顯然沒有意義。函數的這種合成方式普遍存在於其它程式語言中。在Haskell中有另外一種更數學化的表達方法:(.) 點函數。點函數源於數學中的( )符號。


在數學裡我們用表達式   表達 "f following g." 在Haskell , 代碼f . g 也表達為 "f following g."

其中  等同於  

(.)函數(函數的合成函數),將兩個函數合稱為一個函數。例如,(square . f)表示一個有一個參數的函數,先把這個參數代入函數f,然後再把這個結果代入函數square得到最後結果。相反地,(f . square)表示一個有一個參數的函數,先把這個參數代入函數square,然後再把這個結果代入函數f得到最後結果。我們可以通過一下例子中的方法進行測試:



*Main> (square . f) 1
*Main> (square . f) 2
*Main> (f . square) 1
*Main> (f . square) 2

在這裡,我們必須用括號把函數合成語句括起來;不然,如(square . f) 1Haskell的編譯器會認為我們嘗試把squaref 1的結果合成起來,但是這是沒有意義的因為f 1甚至不是一個函數。



我們經常在函數中聲明局部變量。 如果你記得中學數學課的內容,這裡有一個例子, 一元二次方程 可以用下列等式求解


我們將它轉換為函數來得到 :的兩個值

roots a b c =
    ((-b + sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)) / (2*a),
     (-b - sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)) / (2*a))

請注意我們的定義中有一些冗餘,不如數學定義優美。在函數的定義中我們重複了sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)。 用Haskell的局部綁定(local binding)可以解決這個問題。也就是說我們可以在函數中定義只能在本函數中使用的值。 我們來創建sqrt(b*b-4*a*c)的局部綁定disc,並在函數中替換sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)


roots a b c =
    let disc = sqrt (b*b - 4*a*c)
    in  ((-b + disc) / (2*a),
         (-b - disc) / (2*a))


roots a b c =
    let disc = sqrt (b*b - 4*a*c)
        twice_a = 2*a
    in  ((-b + disc) / twice_a,
         (-b - disc) / twice_a)


起步  >> 變量和函數  >> 列表和元組  >> 更進一步  >> 類型基礎  >> 簡單的輸入輸出  >> 類型聲明


Haskell基礎 >> 初級Haskell >> Haskell進階 >> Monads
高級Haskell >> 類型的樂趣 >> 理論提升 >> Haskell性能

庫參考 >> 普通實務 >> 特殊任務





2 + 3





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在Haskell中,探尋類型如何發揮作用的最好方法是使用 GHCi 。運行之,來了解一下 :type 命令。


例子: 在GHCi中對字符使用 :t 命令

Prelude> :type 'H'
'H' :: Char

提示: :type 命令可縮寫為 :t

這就是我們的使用方式。在 GHCi中,它會對一個值給出其類型。此例中,我們給了一個字符 'H' ——一個包在單引號里的字母 H ,GHCi 顯示了它,其後跟著"::" ,也就是「類型是」的意思。整句話的意思是: 'H' 的類型是 Char 。



例子: 在GHCi中對字符串使用 :t 命令

Prelude> :t "Hello World"
"Hello World" :: [Char]

這次,我們給出的是一個用雙引號括起來的文本,GHCi的反應是: "Hello World" :: [Char] 。[Char] 意思是「字符構成的表」。注意區別 Char 和 [Char] ——帶方括號的被用來構造文字列表。

  1. 試用 :type 查詢 "H" 的類型(注意雙引號的使用),返回什麼?為什麼?.
  2. 試用 :type 查詢 'Hello World' 的類型(注意單引號的使用),返回什麼?為什麼?.

在Haskell中字符串實質就是字符列表。在Haskell中可以用幾種方法初始化字符串: 用雙引號(ANSI 34)括起的連續的字符; 也可以像構建列表那樣用":"將多個字符連接起來從而構成一個字符串,如 'H':'e':'l':'l':'o':[]; 還可以使用字符列表的形式來構建。

Haskell 有一個同義類的概念。就像英語裡面的 'fast' 與 'quick', 兩者意義相同,在Haskell中這種字面不同,但意義相同的兩個類稱為同義類(type synonyms)。就是說能使用 [Char]的地方一樣能用 String來代替,如:

"Hello World" :: String

這樣的表達也是正確的 。從這裡開始我們將會更多的使用String,而不是[Char]來表示字符串。


另一種在其他語言中很常見的類型是布爾型(Boolean),或簡稱Bool。這是一種十分有用的類型。這種類型有兩個值:True 或 False(對或錯)。例如一個程序向使用者詢問一個名字並在一個文件中查找這個名字相關項目。這時候如果我們有一個函數 nameExists用來確認這個名字是否存在是十分方便的。如果名字存在,可以用True來表達,如果名字不存在可以將結果表達為False。要注意的是在Haskell中布爾值是頭字母大寫的(其中的原因在逐步深入後會變得清晰)


例子: 在GHCI中探索 True 與 False的類型

Prelude> :t True
True :: Bool
Prelude> :t False
False :: Bool

這裡就不用太多的解釋了。 True 與 False 被歸類為布爾型。



Prelude> :t 5
5 :: (Num t) => t



So far, the types we have talked about apply to values (strings, booleans, characters, etc), and we have explained how types not only help to categorize them, but also describe them. The next thing we'll look at is what makes the type system truly powerful: We can assign types not only to values, but to functions as well[1]. Let's look at some examples.

之前我們展示了類型是如何應用在值(字符串,布爾值,字符,等)上的,可以看出Haskell中的類型不只是簡單用於分分類,而且可用以描述值的特性。接著我們介紹,使類型系統真正強大的特性 -- 類型不只能應用在值上,還能應用在函數上 [2]。讓我們看幾個例子.



例子: Negating booleans

not True  = False
not False = True

not is a standard Prelude function that simply negates Bools, in the sense that truth turns into falsity and vice versa. For example, given the above example we gave using Bools, nameExists, we could define a similar function that would test whether a name doesn't exist in the spreadsheet. It would likely look something like this:



例子: nameDoesntExist: using not

nameDoesntExist name = not (nameExists name)

To assign a type to not we look at two things: the type of values it takes as its input, and the type of values it returns. In our example, things are easy. not takes a Bool (the Bool to be negated), and returns a Bool (the negated Bool). Therefore, we write that:



例子: not的類型標記

not :: Bool -> Bool
注意: not是类型标记的一部分。

You can read this as 'not is a function from things of type Bool to things of type Bool'.

我們可以這樣來描述這個類型標記: not函數取一個布爾值作為輸入,返回一個布爾值。


A common programming task is to take a list of Strings, then join them all up into a single string, but insert a newline character between each one, so they all end up on different lines. For example, say you had the list ["Bacon", "Sausages", "Egg"], and wanted to convert it to something resembling a shopping list, the natural thing to do would be to join the list together into a single string, placing each item from the list onto a new line. This is precisely what unlines does. unwords is similar, but it uses a space instead of a newline as a separator. (mnemonic: un = unite)

程序設計中有一種任務很常見,這就是對一個字符串列表含有的每個元素添加換行符,再將它們連接成一個新的字符串。例如,對於列表 ["Bacon", "Sausages", "Egg"],我們希望把它合併為一個採購清單,對此,最直接的方法是,將列表中的每一項放入一個新行。這種方法就是unlinesunwords與它類似,區別在於後者用空格代替換行。(助記符: un = unite)


例子: unlines and unwords

Prelude> unlines ["Bacon", "Sausages", "Egg"]
Prelude> unwords ["Bacon", "Sausages", "Egg"]
"Bacon Sausages Egg"

Notice the weird output from unlines. This isn't particularly related to types, but it's worth noting anyway, so we're going to digress a little and explore why this is. Basically, any output from GHCi is first run through the show function, which converts it into a String. This makes sense, because GHCi shows you the result of your commands as text, so it has to be a String. However, what does show do if you give it something which is already a String? Although the obvious answer would be 'do nothing', the behaviour is actually slightly different: any 'special characters', like tabs, newlines and so on in the String are converted to their 'escaped forms', which means that rather than a newline actually making the stuff following it appear on the next line, it is shown as "\n". To avoid this, we can use the putStrLn function, which GHCi sees and doesn't run your output through show.



例子: Using putStrLn in GHCi

Prelude> putStrLn (unlines ["Bacon", "Sausages", "Egg"])

Prelude> putStrLn (unwords ["Bacon", "Sausages", "Egg"])
Bacon Sausages Egg

The second result may look identical, but notice the lack of quotes. putStrLn outputs exactly what you give it (actually putStrLn appends a newline character to its input before printing it; the function putStr outputs exactly what you give it). Also, note that you can only pass it a String. Calls like putStrLn 5 will fail. You'd need to convert the number to a String first, that is, use show: putStrLn (show 5) (or use the equivalent function print: print 5).

第二個結果看起來似乎一致,但不要忘記它少了引號。putStrLn函數將嚴格輸出你給它的東西(但實際上,putStrLn會給自己的輸出自動加個換行符,putStr才會給出真正嚴格的輸出)。同時,注意它將僅僅接受一個字符串作為參數。諸如putStrLn 5的函數調用將會失敗,你必須將數字5轉化為字符串才行,例如putStrLn (show 5) (或者print: print 5))

Getting back to the types. What would the types of unlines and unwords be? Well, again, let's look at both what they take as an argument, and what they return. As we've just seen, we've been feeding these functions a list, and each of the items in the list has been a String. Therefore, the type of the argument is [String]. They join all these Strings together into one long String, so the return type has to be String. Therefore, both of the functions have type [String] -> String. Note that we didn't mention the fact that the two functions use different separators. This is totally inconsequential when it comes to types — all that matters is that they return a String. The type of a String with some newlines is precisely the same as the type of a String with some spaces.

現在讓我們回到類型上來。unlinesunwords 是什麼類型?觀察它們的輸入和輸出,注意到這兩個函數都將接受一個字符串列表,所以,它們的輸入參數類型為[String]。處理並連接列表後,它們都將輸出一個較長的字符串。所以,這兩個函數的類型是 [String] -> String。注意,我們並未提及這兩個函數用於連接的字符的不同,因為這對類型來說是微不足道的,它們都將輸出一個字符串,含有換行的字符串的類型和含有空格的字符串的類型是一致的。


文字處理是計算機的一個問題. 當一切東西都到達最底層的時候, 計算機所知道的僅僅是1和0, 正如其在二進制下工作. 然而直接操作二進制並不方便, 人們開始讓計算機保存文字信息. 每個字符應該先轉換為數字, 然後再轉換為二進制來存儲. 因此, 文字, 或者說一串字符, 能夠被編碼為二進制. 一般來說, 我們只是關心字符如何用數字來表示, 因為再將數字轉為二進制將會非常容易.

轉換字元變成數字這件事是簡單的,只要將所有可能的字元寫下來,然後每個字元給一個數字。舉例來說,我們可能給予字元 'a' 對應到 1, 字元 'b' 對應到2, 依此類推。這件事有一個稱為ASCII標準已經幫我們做了,有128個標準常用的字元,數字都被編碼在 ASCII 的表格裡面。但是當我們每次需要用到一個字元時,都需要從表格中去把這些字元對應的數字找出來,或從數字中找出這些字元來,這真是一件無聊的事。所以,我們可以用兩個函式來幫我們解決這個問題,chr(發音是 'char') 以及 ord


例子: Type signatures for chr and ord

chr :: Int  -> Char
ord :: Char -> Int

記得我們之前說過Haskell有多少數字類型麼? 最簡單的是Int類型, 它表示一個整數, to give them their proper name. [3] 記得上面類型標識麼? 回憶一下上面的not是怎麼工作的. 我們先是看到函數的參數類型, 然後是其返回類型. chr函數(返回對應數字編碼的字符)的類型標識表示其接受一個Int類型的參數, 並返回一個Char. 執行反操作的是ord函數(返回對應字符的數字編碼).

具體來說, 參考以下幾個調用chrord的例子, 你可以看到這些類型是如何工作得. 注意這兩個函數並不是內建函數, 而是在Data.Char模塊中的, 因此你需要使用:m (:module的縮寫)命令來加載之.


例子: Function calls to chr and ord

Prelude> :m Data.Char
Prelude Data.Char> chr 97
Prelude Data.Char> chr 98
Prelude Data.Char> ord 'c'


So far, we've only worked with functions that take a single argument. This isn't very interesting! For example, the following is a perfectly valid Haskell function, but what would its type be?



例子: A function in more than one argument

f x y = x + 5 + 2 * y

As we've said a few times, there's more than one type for numbers, but we're going to cheat here and pretend that x and y have to be Ints.

正如前面說的,數字可以表達為多種類型,只是我們在這裡假裝 x 和 y 必須是 Int 的。

There are very deep reasons for this, which we'll cover in the chapter on Currying.


The general technique for forming the type of a function in more than one argument, then, is to just write down all the types of the arguments in a row, in order (so in this case x first then y), then write -> in between all of them. Finally, add the type of the result to the end of the row and stick a final -> in just before it. So in this case, we have:

對多參數函數來說最普遍的方式是把所有參數的類型都寫在同一行,按字母排序(所以在這個例子中 x先於y),在它們中間插入->。最後,在行尾寫上結果的類型並且在它前面加最後一個->。所以在這個例子中,我們有:

  1. Write down the types of the arguments. We've already said that x and y have to be Ints, so it becomes:
    Int             Int
    ^^ x is an Int  ^^ y is an Int as well
  2. Fill in the gaps with ->:
    Int -> Int
  3. Add in the result type and a final ->. In our case, we're just doing some basic arithmetic so the result remains an Int.
    Int -> Int -> Int
                  ^^ We're returning an Int
        ^^ There's the extra -> that got added in 


A library is a collection of common code used by many programs.

As you'll learn in the Practical Haskell section of the course, one popular group of Haskell libraries are the GUI ones. These provide functions for dealing with all the parts of Windows or Linux you're familiar with: opening and closing application windows, moving the mouse around etc. One of the functions from one of these libraries is called openWindow, and you can use it to open a new window in your application. For example, say you're writing a word processor like Microsoft Word, and the user has clicked on the 'Options' button. You need to open a new window which contains all the options that they can change. Let's look at the type signature for this function [4]:


例子: openWindow

openWindow :: WindowTitle -> WindowSize -> Window

Don't panic! Here are a few more types you haven't come across yet. But don't worry, they're quite simple. All three of the types there, WindowTitle, WindowSize and Window are defined by the GUI library that provides openWindow. As we saw when constructing the types above, because there are two arrows, the first two types are the types of the parameters, and the last is the type of the result. WindowTitle holds the title of the window (what appears in the blue bar (XP and before) or black translucent bar (Vista) - you didn't change the color, did you? - at the top), WindowSize how big the window should be. The function then returns a value of type Window which you can use to get information on and manipulate the window.


Finding types for functions is a basic Haskell skill that you should become very familiar with. What are the types of the following functions?

  1. The negate function, which takes an Int and returns that Int with its sign swapped. For example, negate 4 = -4, and negate (-2) = 2
  2. The (&&) function, pronounced 'and', that takes two Bools and returns a third Bool which is True if both the arguments were, and False otherwise.
  3. The (||) function, pronounced 'or', that takes two Bools and returns a third Bool which is True if either of the arguments were, and False otherwise.

For any functions hereafter involving numbers, you can just assume the numbers are Ints.

  1. f x y = not x && y
  2. g x = (2*x - 1)^2
  3. h x y z = chr (x - 2)


So far all we've looked at are functions and values with a single type. However, if you start playing around with :t in GHCi you'll quickly run into things that don't have types beginning with the familiar capital letter. For example, there's a function that finds the length of a list, called (rather predictably) length. Remember that [Foo] is a list of things of type Foo. However, we'd like length to work on lists of any type. I.e. we'd rather not have a lengthInts :: [Int] -> Int, as well as a lengthBools :: [Bool] -> Int, as well as a lengthStrings :: [String] -> Int, as well as a...

到目前為止,我們已經看過一些具有單一型態的函式和值。然而,如果你開始在GHCi中玩 :t,你將會碰到一些型態的第一個字母不是熟悉的大寫字母。舉例來說,有一個函式用來找出列表的長度,稱作 length. 記住,[Foo] 是一個存放型態Foo的事情的列表。然而我們希望length可以使用在存放任何型態的列表。而不是用計算存放整數的列表的長度用 lengthInts :: [Int] -> Int,計算存放布爾值的列表長度用 lengthBools :: [Bool] -> Int,計算存放字串列表的長度用 lengthStrings :: [String] -> Int, 等等。

That's too complicated. We want one single function that will find the length of any type of list. The way Haskell does this is using type variables. For example, the actual type of length is as follows:

這太複雜了,我們想要有一個單一的函式,可以計算出每一種存放所有型態列表的長度,所以, Haskell 使用型態變數來解決這個問題。例如:真實的型態長度如下:


例子: Our first polymorphic type

length :: [a] -> Int

We'll look at the theory behind polymorphism in much more detail later in the course.

The "a" you see there in the square brackets is called a type variable. Type variables begin with a lowercase letter. Indeed, this is why types have to begin with an uppercase letter — so they can be distinguished from type variables. When Haskell sees a type variable, it allows any type to take its place. This is exactly what we want. In type theory (a branch of mathematics), this is called polymorphism: functions or values with only a single type (like all the ones we've looked at so far except length) are called monomorphic, and things that use type variables to admit more than one type are therefore polymorphic.


As we saw, you can use the fst and snd functions to extract parts of pairs. By this time you should be in the habit of thinking "What type is that function?" about every function you come across. Let's examine fst and snd. First, a few sample calls to the functions:


例子: Example calls to fst and snd

Prelude> fst (1, 2) 
Prelude> fst ("Hello", False)
Prelude> snd (("Hello", False), 4)

To begin with, let's point out the obvious: these two functions take a pair as their parameter and return one part of this pair. The important thing about pairs, and indeed tuples in general, is that they don't have to be homogeneous with respect to types; their different parts can be different types. Indeed, that is the case in the second and third examples above. If we were to say:

fst :: (a, a) -> a

That would force the first and second part of input pair to be the same type. That illustrates an important aspect to type variables: although they can be replaced with any type, they have to be replaced with the same type everywhere. So what's the correct type? Simply:


例子: The types of fst and snd

fst :: (a, b) -> a
snd :: (a, b) -> b

Note that if you were just given the type signatures, you might guess that they return the first and second parts of a pair, respectively. In fact this is not necessarily true, they just have to return something with the same type of the first and second parts of the pair.


Now we've explored the basic theory behind types and types in Haskell, let's look at how they appear in code. Most Haskell programmers will annotate every function they write with its associated type. That is, you might be writing a module that looks something like this:


例子: Module without type signatures

module StringManip where

import Data.Char

uppercase = map toUpper
lowercase = map toLower
capitalise x = 
  let capWord []     = []
      capWord (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs
  in unwords (map capWord (words x))

This is a small library that provides some frequently used string manipulation functions. uppercase converts a string to uppercase, lowercase to lowercase, and capitalize capitalizes the first letter of every word. Providing a type for these functions makes it more obvious what they do. For example, most Haskellers would write the above module something like the following:


例子: Module with type signatures

module StringManip where

import Data.Char

uppercase, lowercase :: String -> String
uppercase = map toUpper
lowercase = map toLower

capitalise :: String -> String
capitalise x = 
  let capWord []     = []
      capWord (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs
  in unwords (map capWord (words x))

Note that you can group type signatures together into a single type signature (like ours for uppercase and lowercase above) if the two functions share the same type.


So far, we've explored types by using the :t command in GHCi. However, before you came across this chapter, you were still managing to write perfectly good Haskell code, and it has been accepted by the compiler. In other words, it's not necessary to add type signatures. However, if you don't add type signatures, that doesn't mean Haskell simply forgets about typing altogether! Indeed, when you didn't tell Haskell the types of your functions and variables, it worked them out. This is a process called type inference, whereby the compiler starts with the types of things it knows, then works out the types of the rest of the things. Type inference for Haskell is decidable, which means that the compiler can always work out the types, even if you never write them in [5]. Let's look at some examples to see how the compiler works out types.

到目前為止,我們已經可以透過命令 :t 來看型態。然而,在你結束這章前,你正學習寫一個完美的 Hasekell 程式碼,這程式碼已經可以被編譯器接受。 換句話說,你不需要加上型別簽章。如果你沒有加上型別簽章,這不代表 Hasekell 全部忽略型別這件事。相反地,當你沒有告訴 HaseKell 你的函式或變數型別,Hasekell 會想辦法生出來。這個流程叫做型別推論。藉著它所知道的事情的型別,推論出其他事情的型別。型別推論對 Haskell來說是可決定性的,代表著編譯器總是能夠推論出型別,甚至你從沒寫過他們。


例子: Simple type inference

-- We're deliberately not providing a type signature for this function
-- 我们故意不提供这个函数的类型指纹.
isL c = c == 'l'

This function takes a character and sees if it is an 'l' character. The compiler derives the type for isL something like the following:


例子: A typing derivation

(==)  :: a -> a -> Bool
'l'   :: Char
Replacing the second ''a'' in the signature for (==) with the type of 'l':
(==)  :: Char -> Char -> Bool
isL   :: Char -> Bool

The first line indicates that the type of the function (==), which tests for equality, is a -> a -> Bool [6]. (We include the function name in parentheses because it's an operator: its name consists only of non-alphanumeric characters. More on this later.) The compiler also knows that something in 'single quotes' has type Char, so clearly the literal 'l' has type Char. Next, the compiler starts replacing the type variables in the signature for (==) with the types it knows. Note that in one step, we went from a -> a -> Bool to Char -> Char -> Bool, because the type variable a was used in both the first and second argument, so they need to be the same. And so we arrive at a function that takes a single argument (whose type we don't know yet, but hold on!) and applies it as the first argument to (==). We have a particular instance of the polymorphic type of (==), that is, here, we're talking about (==) :: Char -> Char -> Bool because we know that we're comparing Chars. Therefore, as (==) :: Char -> Char -> Bool and we're feeding the parameter into the first argument to (==), we know that the parameter has the type of Char. Phew!

But wait, we're not finished yet! What's the return type of the function? Thankfully, this bit is a bit easier. We've fed two Chars into a function which (in this case) has type Char -> Char -> Bool, so we must have a Bool. Note that the return value from the call to (==) becomes the return value of our isL function.

So, let's put it all together. isL is a function which takes a single argument. We discovered that this argument must be of type Char. Finally, we derived that we return a Bool. So, we can confidently say that isL has the type:


例子: isL with a type

isL :: Char -> Bool
isL c = c == 'l'

And, indeed, if you miss out the type signature, the Haskell compiler will discover this on its own, using exactly the same method we've just run through.


So if type signatures are optional, why bother with them at all? Here are a few reasons:

  • Documentation: the most prominent reason is that it makes your code easier to read. With most functions, the name of the function along with the type of the function is sufficient to guess at what the function does. (Of course, you should always comment your code anyway.)
  • Debugging: if you annotate a function with a type, then make a typo in the body of the function, the compiler will tell you at compile-time that your function is wrong. Leaving off the type signature could have the effect of allowing your function to compile, and the compiler would assign it an erroneous type. You wouldn't know until you ran your program that it was wrong. In fact, this is so important, let's explore it some more.




例子: Type inference at work

fiveOrSix :: Bool -> Int
fiveOrSix True  = 5
fiveOrSix False = 6

pairToInt :: (Bool, String) -> Int
pairToInt x = fiveOrSix (fst x)

Our function fiveOrSix takes a Bool. When pairToInt receives its arguments, it knows, because of the type signature we've annotated it with, that the first element of the pair is a Bool. So, we could extract this using fst and pass that into fiveOrSix, and this would work, because the type of the first element of the pair and the type of the argument to fiveOrSix are the same.

This is really central to typed languages. When passing expressions around you have to make sure the types match up like they did here. If they don't, you'll get type errors when you try to compile; your program won't typecheck. This is really how types help you to keep your programs bug-free. To take a very trivial example:


例子: A non-typechecking program

"hello" + " world"

Having that line as part of your program will make it fail to compile, because you can't add two strings together! More likely, you wanted to use the string concatenation operator, which joins two strings together into a single one:


例子: Our erroneous program, fixed

"hello" ++ " world"

An easy typo to make, but because you use Haskell, it was caught when you tried to compile. You didn't have to wait until you ran the program for the bug to become apparent.

This was only a simple example. However, the idea of types being a system to catch mistakes works on a much larger scale too. In general, when you make a change to your program, you'll change the type of one of the elements. If this change isn't something that you intended, then it will show up immediately. A lot of Haskell programmers remark that once they have fixed all the type errors in their programs, and their programs compile, that they tend to 'just work': function flawlessly first time, with only minor problems. Run-time errors, where your program goes wrong when you run it rather than when you compile it, are much rarer in Haskell than in other languages. This is a huge advantage of a strong type system like Haskell's.


Infer the types of following functions:

  1. f x y = uppercase (x ++ y)
  2. g (x,y) = fiveOrSix (isL x) - ord y
  3. h x y = pairToInt (fst x,y) + snd x + length y


  1. In fact, these are one and the same concept in Haskell.
  2. 事實上, 在Haskell中值跟函數是沒有理論上的區別的.
  3. 其實Haskell擁有很多種整數類型! 不過不要擔心, 我們將會在恰當的時候告訴你.
  4. This has been somewhat simplified to fit our purposes. Don't worry, the essence of the function is there.
  5. Some of the newer type system extensions to GHC do break this, however, so you're better off just always putting down types anyway.
  6. This is a slight lie. That type signature would mean that you can compare two values of any type whatsoever, but this clearly isn't true: how can you see if two functions are equal? Haskell includes a kind of 'restricted polymorphism' that allows type variables to range over some, but not all types. Haskell implements this using type classes, which we'll learn about later. In this case, the correct type of (==) is Eq a => a -> a -> Bool.


起步  >> 變量和函數  >> 列表和元組  >> 更進一步  >> 類型基礎  >> 簡單的輸入輸出  >> 類型聲明


Haskell基礎 >> 初級Haskell >> Haskell進階 >> Monads
高級Haskell >> 類型的樂趣 >> 理論提升 >> Haskell性能

庫參考 >> 普通實務 >> 特殊任務


迄今為止這本教材已經討論了返回數值的函數,它們很不錯。但是我們怎樣才能寫出"Hello world"?為了給你第一印象,這裡有一個Haskell版的"Hello world"程序:


例子: Hello! What is your name?

main = do
  putStrLn "Please enter your name: "
  name <- getLine
  putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ name ++ ", how are you?")

這個小程序至少說明了haskell沒有忘記提供輸入輸出功能(IO)! 因為IO會產生副作用,函數式語言基本上都在這方面存在問題。對於相同的參數,函數總是應該返回相同的結果。但是像getLine這樣的函數怎麼可能每次都返回相同的結果呢?在給出答案前,讓我們來仔細思考一下這個問題的難點。


  • 在屏幕上列印字符串
  • 從鍵盤上讀取字符串
  • 向文件寫入數據
  • 從文件中讀取數據

這裡有兩個問題。 我們先考慮前面的兩個例子應該是什麼類型. 第一個操作 (叫它「函數」似乎不合適) 應該取一個String類型的參數並返回一些東西,它應該返回什麼呢?它應該返回一個()單元,因為列印字符串本身什麼都不生成。第二個操作跟第一個類似,應該返回String類型的值,但它應該不需要參數。

我們希望這兩個操作是函數,但是從定義上說它們不是函數。從鍵盤讀取字符串的操作每次都返回不同的String類型值。如果putStrLn每次都返回(),依照引用透明性,我們可以把這個函數替換為f _ = ()。很明顯這樣做是不能得到相同結果的。


當Philip Wadler發現monads將會是一個解決IO計算的好方法時,這個問題有了突破性的進展。實際上,monads能夠解決比上述簡單操作更複雜的問題。我們可以用monads來解決一大類問題,比如並發、異常、IO、非確定性等等。而且,monads也不難在編譯器的層面上處理(雖然這樣,編譯器經常會優化monadic操作)。在某種程度上monads經常被人們誤解為是難以理解的。這些我們會稍後解釋,目前我們只需要知道IO使用的monads,我們可以在不了解背後理論細節的情況下使用它(其實monads理論也不是非常複雜)。目前我們可以暫時忘記monads的存在了。

就像前面說過的, 我們不能把類似「在屏幕上列印字符串」或是「從文件中讀數據」的操作作為函數, 因為它們不是函數(從純數學的角度)。因此,我們給它另一個名字:「動作」。我們不僅給它一個特殊的名字,我們還給了它一個特殊的類型。 一個非常有用的動作是putStrLn,它在屏幕上列印字符串。這個行為的類型是:

putStrLn :: String -> IO ()

跟我們想的一樣,putStrLn需要一個字符串參數。那它的返回類型IO ()是什麼呢?這說明這個函數是一個IO動作(這就是IO的意義)。此外,當這個動作被「執行」(或是「運行」)時,結果的類型是()


實際上這個類型說明putStrLn是一個「IO monad"中的動作, 但是目前我們會先忽略它。


getLine :: IO String


眼前的事情是我們怎樣運行一個動作?這個看起來是編譯器該干的活。你不能直接運行一個動作,而是要通過main函數執行這個動作。main函數本身也是一個動作,運行編譯後的程序就會直接執行這個動作。因此,編譯器要求main函數是類型IO (),也就是一個什麼都不返回的IO動作。(譯者:然而這並不代表程序在這個運行期間不修改外部的世界如屏幕輸出,文件修改等,而是這個動作在執行完後沒有任何結果給予後繼程序使用)

However, while you are not allowed to run actions yourself, you are allowed to combine actions. There are two ways to go about this. The one we will focus on in this chapter is the do notation, which provides a convenient means of putting actions together, and allows us to get useful things done in Haskell without having to understand what really happens. Lurking behind the do notation is the more explicit approach using the (>>=) operator, but we will not be ready to cover this until the chapter Understanding monads

雖然,你不能直接運行一個動作,但是你可以把同類型的動作組合 combine 起來。 有兩種方法可以用,其中一種方法是使用do我們將會在這章詳細介紹。隱藏在do背後的 是一個更顯式的方法,顯式使用(>>=),我們會在Understanding monads這章詳細解釋。


Do notation is just syntactic sugar for (>>=). If you have experience with higher order functions, it might be worth starting with the latter approach and coming back here to see how do notation gets used. 實際上do(>>=)的語法糖。如果你有使用高階函數的經驗,可以直接閱讀學習第二種方法然後回來這章學習如何使用do

Let's consider the following name program:


例子: What is your name?

main = do
  putStrLn "Please enter your name: "
  name <- getLine
  putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ name ++ ", how are you?")

We can consider the do notation as a way to combine a sequence of actions. Moreover, the <- notation is a way to get the value out of an action. So, in this program, we're sequencing three actions: a putStrLn, a getLine and another putStrLn. The putStrLn action has type String -> IO (), so we provide it a String, so the fully applied action has type IO (). This is something that we are allowed to run as a program.


Write a program which asks the user for the base and height of a triangle, calculates its area and prints it to the screen. The interaction should look something like:

The base?
The height?
The area of that triangle is 8.91
Hint: you can use the function read to convert user strings like "3.3" into numbers like 3.3 and function show to convert a number into string.

Left arrow clarifications


The <- is optional

While we are allowed to get a value out of certain actions like getLine, we certainly are not obliged to do so. For example, we could very well have written something like this:

從特定的動作如 getLine 中取值是被容許的,但並非是必要的.我們可以這樣寫:


例子: executing getLine directly

main = do
  putStrLn "Please enter your name: "
  putStrLn ("Hello, how are you?")

Clearly, that isn't very useful: the whole point of prompting the user for his or her name was so that we could do something with the result. That being said, it is conceivable that one might wish to read a line and completely ignore the result. Omitting the <- will allow for that; the action will happen, but the data won't be stored anywhere.

顯然, 這樣寫沒有太多用處: 提示用戶輸入名字是為了能利用輸入結果來做一些事情. 而上面的代碼卻可以理解為, 進行讀取一行的操作, 忽略讀取結果. 忽略 <- 就是這效果; 動作發生, 但結果未在任何地方保存.

In order to get the value out of the action, we write name <- getLine, which basically means "run getLine, and put the results in the variable called name."

The <- can be used with any action (except the last)

On the flip side, there are also very few restrictions which actions can have values obtained from them. Consider the following example, where we put the results of each action into a variable (except the last... more on that later):


例子: putting all results into a variable

main = do
  x <- putStrLn "Please enter your name: "
  name <- getLine
  putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ name ++ ", how are you?")

The variable x gets the value out of its action, but that isn't very interesting because the action returns the unit value (). So while we could technically get the value out of any action, it isn't always worth it. But wait, what about that last action? Why can't we get a value out of that? Let's see what happens when we try:


例子: getting the value out of the last action

main = do
  x <- putStrLn "Please enter your name: "
  name <- getLine
  y <- putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ name ++ ", how are you?")


    The last statement in a 'do' construct must be an expression

This is a much more interesting example, but it requires a somewhat deeper understanding of Haskell than we currently have. Suffice it to say, whenever you use <- to get the value of an action, Haskell is always expecting another action to follow it. So the very last action better not have any <-s.

這是一個很有趣的例子,相對於我們現在所認知的它需要一些對 Haskell 更深入的瞭解。只要用一句話就夠了,那就是無論你何時要使用 <- 去取得一個動作的值,Hasekell 總是期待後面還會有其它動作。所以,在最後一個動作最好不要有這個 <-

Controlling actions

Normal Haskell constructions like if/then/else and case/of can be used within the do notation, but you need to be somewhat careful. For instance, in a simple "guess the number" program, we have:

    doGuessing num = do
       putStrLn "Enter your guess:"
       guess <- getLine
       if (read guess) < num
         then do putStrLn "Too low!"
                 doGuessing num
         else if (read guess) > num
                then do putStrLn "Too high!"
                        doGuessing num
                else do putStrLn "You Win!"

If we think about how the if/then/else construction works, it essentially takes three arguments: the condition, the "then" branch, and the "else" branch. The condition needs to have type Bool, and the two branches can have any type, provided that they have the same type. The type of the entire if/then/else construction is then the type of the two branches.

In the outermost comparison, we have (read guess) < num as the condition. This clearly has the correct type. Let's just consider the "then" branch. The code here is:

              do putStrLn "Too low!"
                 doGuessing num

Here, we are sequencing two actions: putStrLn and doGuessing. The first has type IO (), which is fine. The second also has type IO (), which is fine. The type result of the entire computation is precisely the type of the final computation. Thus, the type of the "then" branch is also IO (). A similar argument shows that the type of the "else" branch is also IO (). This means the type of the entire if/then/else construction is IO (), which is just what we want.


In this code, the last line is else do putStrLn "You Win!". This is somewhat overly verbose. In fact, else putStrLn "You Win!" would have been sufficient, since do is only necessary to sequence actions. Since we have only one action here, it is superfluous.

It is incorrect to think to yourself "Well, I already started a do block; I don't need another one," and hence write something like:

    do if (read guess) < num
         then putStrLn "Too low!"
              doGuessing num
         else ...

Here, since we didn't repeat the do, the compiler doesn't know that the putStrLn and doGuessing calls are supposed to be sequenced, and the compiler will think you're trying to call putStrLn with three arguments: the string, the function doGuessing and the integer num. It will certainly complain (though the error may be somewhat difficult to comprehend at this point).

We can write the same doGuessing function using a case statement. To do this, we first introduce the Prelude function compare, which takes two values of the same type (in the Ord class) and returns one of GT, LT, EQ, depending on whether the first is greater than, less than or equal to the second.

doGuessing num = do
  putStrLn "Enter your guess:"
  guess <- getLine
  case compare (read guess) num of
    LT -> do putStrLn "Too low!"
             doGuessing num
    GT -> do putStrLn "Too high!"
             doGuessing num
    EQ -> do putStrLn "You Win!"

Here, again, the dos after the ->s are necessary on the first two options, because we are sequencing actions.

If you're used to programming in an imperative language like C or Java, you might think that return will exit you from the current function. This is not so in Haskell. In Haskell, return simply takes a normal value (for instance, one of type Int) and makes it into an action that returns the given value (for the same example, the action would be of type IO Int). In particular, in an imperative language, you might write this function as:

void doGuessing(int num) {
  print "Enter your guess:";
  int guess = atoi(readLine());
  if (guess == num) {
    print "You win!";
    return ();

  // we won't get here if guess == num
  if (guess < num) {
    print "Too low!";
  } else {
    print "Too high!";

Here, because we have the return () in the first if match, we expect the code to exit there (and in most imperative languages, it does). However, the equivalent code in Haskell, which might look something like:

doGuessing num = do
  putStrLn "Enter your guess:"
  guess <- getLine
  case compare (read guess) num of
    EQ -> do putStrLn "You win!"
             return ()

  -- we don't expect to get here if guess == num
  if (read guess < num)
    then do print "Too low!";
            doGuessing num
    else do print "Too high!";
            doGuessing num

First of all, if you guess correctly, it will first print "You win!," but it won't exit, and it will check whether guess is less than num. Of course it is not, so the else branch is taken, and it will print "Too high!" and then ask you to guess again.

On the other hand, if you guess incorrectly, it will try to evaluate the case statement and get either LT or GT as the result of the compare. In either case, it won't have a pattern that matches, and the program will fail immediately with an exception.


What does the following program print out?

main =
 do x <- getX
    putStrLn x

getX =
 do return "hello"
    return "aren't"
    return "these"
    return "returns"
    return "rather"
    return "pointless?"

Write a program that asks the user for his or her name. If the name is one of Simon, John or Phil, tell the user that you think Haskell is a great programming language. If the name is Koen, tell them that you think debugging Haskell is fun (Koen Classen is one of the people who works on Haskell debugging); otherwise, tell the user that you don't know who he or she is.

Write two different versions of this program, one using if

statements, the other using a case statement.

Actions under the microscope

Actions may look easy up to now, but they are actually a common stumbling block for new Haskellers. If you have run into trouble working with actions, you might consider looking to see if one of your problems or questions matches the cases below. It might be worth skimming this section now, and coming back to it when you actually experience trouble.

Mind your action types

One temptation might be to simplify our program for getting a name and printing it back out. Here is one unsuccessful attempt:


例子: Why doesn't this work?

main =
 do putStrLn "What is your name? "
    putStrLn ("Hello " ++ getLine)


    Couldn't match expected type `[Char]'
           against inferred type `IO String'

Let us boil the example above down to its simplest form. Would you expect this program to compile?


例子: This still does not work

main =
 do putStrLn getLine

For the most part, this is the same (attempted) program, except that we've stripped off the superflous "What is your name" prompt as well as the polite "Hello". One trick to understanding this is to reason about it in terms of types. Let us compare:

putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
getLine  :: IO String

We can use the same mental machinery we learned in Type basics to figure how everything went wrong. Simply put, putStrLn is expecting a String as input. We do not have a String, but something tantalisingly close, an IO String. This represents an action that will give us a String when it's run. To obtain the String that putStrLn wants, we need to run the action, and we do that with the ever-handy left arrow, <-.


例子: This time it works

main =
 do name <- getLine
    putStrLn name

Working our way back up to the fancy example:

main =
 do putStrLn "What is your name? "
    name <- getLine
    putStrLn ("Hello " ++ name)

Now the name is the String we are looking for and everything is rolling again.

Mind your expression types too

Fine, so we've made a big deal out of the idea that you can't use actions in situations that don't call for them. The converse of this is that you can't use non-actions in situations that DO expect actions. Say we want to greet the user, but this time we're so excited to meet them, we just have to SHOUT their name out:


例子: Exciting but incorrect. Why?

import Data.Char (toUpper)

main =
 do name <- getLine
    loudName <- makeLoud name
    putStrLn ("Hello " ++ loudName ++ "!")
    putStrLn ("Oh boy! Am I excited to meet you, " ++ loudName)

-- Don't worry too much about this function; it just capitalises a String
makeLoud :: String -> String
makeLoud s = map toUpper s
This goes wrong...
    Couldn't match expected type `IO' against inferred type `[]'
      Expected type: IO t
      Inferred type: String
    In a 'do' expression: loudName <- makeLoud name

This is quite similar to the problem we ran into above: we've got a mismatch between something that is expecting an IO type, and something which is not. This time, the cause is our use of the left arrow <-; we're trying to left arrow a value of makeLoud name, which really isn't left arrow material. It's basically the same mismatch we saw in the previous section, except now we're trying to use regular old String (the loud name) as an IO String, which clearly are not the same thing. The latter is an action, something to be run, whereas the former is just an expression minding its own business. Note that we cannot simply use loudName = makeLoud name because a do sequences actions, and loudName = makeLoud name is not an action.

So how do we extricate ourselves from this mess? We have a number of options:

  • We could find a way to turn makeLoud into an action, to make it return IO String. But this is not desirable, because the whole point of functional programming is to cleanly separate our side-effecting stuff (actions) from the pure and simple stuff. For example, what if we wanted to use makeLoud from some other, non-IO, function? An IO makeLoud is certainly possible (how?), but missing the point entirely.
  • We could use return to promote the loud name into an action, writing something like loudName <- return (makeLoud name). This is slightly better, in that we are at least leaving the makeLoud itself function nice and IO-free, whilst using it in an IO-compatible fashion. But it's still moderately clunky, because by virtue of left arrow, we're implying that there's action to be had -- how exciting! -- only to let our reader down with a somewhat anticlimatic return
  • Or we could use a let binding...

It turns out that Haskell has a special extra-convenient syntax for let bindings in actions. It looks a little like this:


例子: let bindings in do blocks.

main =
 do name <- getLine
    let loudName = makeLoud name
    putStrLn ("Hello " ++ loudName ++ "!")
    putStrLn ("Oh boy! Am I excited to meet you, " ++ loudName)

If you're paying attention, you might notice that the let binding above is missing an in. This is because let bindings in do blocks do not require the in keyword. You could very well use it, but then you'd have to make a mess of your do blocks. For what it's worth, the following two blocks of code are equivalent.

sweet unsweet
 do name <- getLine
    let loudName = makeLoud name
    putStrLn ("Hello " ++ loudName ++ "!")
    putStrLn ("Oh boy! Am I excited to meet you, " ++ loudName)
 do name <- getLine
    let loudName = makeLoud name
    in  do putStrLn ("Hello " ++ loudName ++ "!")
           putStrLn ("Oh boy! Am I excited to meet you, " ++ loudName)
  1. Why does the unsweet version of the let binding require an extra do keyword?
  2. Do you always need the extra do?
  3. (extra credit) Curiously, let without in is exactly how we wrote things when we were playing with the interpreter in the beginning of this book. Why can you omit the in keyword in the interpreter, when you'd have to put it in when typing up a source file?

Learn more

At this point, you should have the skills you need to do some fancier input/output. Here are some IO-related options to consider.

  • You could continue the sequential track, by learning more about types and eventually monads
  • Alternately: you could start learning about building graphical user interfaces in the GUI chapter
  • For more IO-related functionality, you could also consider learning more about the System.IO library


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Haskell has three basic ways to declare a new type:


  • The data declaration for structures and enumerations.
  • The type declaration for type synonyms.
  • The newtype declaration, which is a cross between the other two.

In this chapter, we will focus on the most essential way, data, and to make life easier, type. You'll find out about newtype later on, but don't worry too much about it; it's there mainly for optimisation.

data for making your own types

使用 data 來創建你自己的類型

Here is a data structure for a simple list of anniversaries: 這裡有兩個最簡單的紀念日列表資料結構 :

data Anniversary = Birthday String Int Int Int       -- name, year, month, day
                 | Wedding String String Int Int Int -- partner1name, partner2name, year, month, day

This declares a new data type Anniversary with two constructor functions called Birthday and Wedding. As usual with Haskell the case of the first letter is important: type names and constructor functions must always start with capital letters. Note also the vertical bar: this marks the point where one alternative ends and the next begins; you can think of it almost as an or - which you'll remember was || - except used in types.

這裡定義了一個新的數據類型 Anniversary ,它有兩個 constructor (構造)函數: BirthdayWedding. 通常情況下在Haskell里,單詞的第一個字母大小寫是很重要的: 類型名 和 構造函數必須以大寫開頭.注意這裡的符號'|': 它代表著一個構造函數的結束和一個可選構造函數的開始。你可以把它記成'或' -- '||',用在指定類型的時候少一豎就可以了.

The declaration says that an Anniversary can be one of two things; a Birthday or a Wedding. A Birthday contains one string and three integers, and a Wedding contains two strings and three integers. The comments (after the "--") explain what the fields actually mean.


Now we can create new anniversaries by calling the constructor functions. For example, suppose we have John Smith born on 3rd July 1968:

現在我們可以通過調用兩個構造函數來創建新的紀念日。比如,John Smith 的生日是1968年7月3號:

johnSmith :: Anniversary
johnSmith = Birthday "John Smith" 1968 7 3

He married Jane Smith on 4th March 1987:

他在1987年3月4日娶了Jane Smith:

smithWedding :: Anniversary
smithWedding = Wedding "John Smith" "Jane Smith" 1987 3 4

These two objects can now be put in a list:


anniversaries :: [Anniversary]
anniversaries = [johnSmith, smithWedding]

(Obviously a real application would not hard-code its entries: this is just to show how constructor functions work).

Constructor functions can do all of the things ordinary functions can do. Anywhere you could use an ordinary function you can use a constructor function.

Anniversaries will need to be converted into strings for printing. This needs another function:

showAnniversary :: Anniversary -> String

showAnniversary (Birthday name year month day) =
   name ++ " born " ++ showDate year month day

showAnniversary (Wedding name1 name2 year month day) =
   name1 ++ " married " ++ name2 ++ " " ++ showDate year month day

This shows the one way that constructor functions are special: they can also be used to deconstruct objects. showAnniversary takes an argument of type Anniversary. If the argument is a Birthday then the first version gets used, and the variables name, month, date and year are bound to its contents. If the argument is a Wedding then the second version is used and the arguments are bound in the same way. The parenthesis indicate that the whole thing is one argument split into five or six parts, rather than five or six separate arguments.

Notice the relationship between the type and the constructors. All versions of showAnniversary convert an Anniversary to a String. One of them handles the Birthday case and the other handles the Wedding case.

It also needs an additional showDate routine:

showDate y m d = show y ++ "-" ++ show m ++ "-" ++ show d

Of course, it's a bit clumsy having the date passed around as three separate integers. What we really need is a new datatype:

data Date = Date Int Int Int   -- Year, Month, Day

Constructor functions are allowed to be the same name as the type, and if there is only one then it is good practice to make it so.

type for making type synonyms

It would also be nice to make it clear that the strings in the Anniversary type are names, but still be able to manipulate them like ordinary strings. The type declaration does this:

type Name = String

This says that a Name is a synonym for a String. Any function that takes a String will now take a Name as well, and vice versa. The right hand side of a type declaration can be a more complex type as well. For example String itself is defined in the standard libraries as

type String = [Char]

So now we can rewrite the Anniversary type like this:

data Anniversary = 
   Birthday Name Date
   | Wedding Name Name Date

which is a lot easier to read. We can also have a type for the list:

type AnniversaryBook = [Anniversary]

The rest of the code needs to be changed to match:

johnSmith :: Anniversary
johnSmith = Birthday "John Smith" (Date 1968 7 3)

smithWedding :: Anniversary
smithWedding = Wedding "John Smith" "Jane Smith" (Date 1987 3 4)

anniversaries :: AnniversaryBook
anniversaries = [johnSmith, smithWedding]

showAnniversary :: Anniversary -> String

showAnniversary (Birthday name date) =
   name ++ " born " ++ showDate date

showAnniversary (Wedding name1 name2 date) =
   name1 ++ " married " ++ name2 ++ showDate date

showDate :: Date -> String
showDate (Date y m d) = show y ++ "-" ++ show m ++ "-" ++ show d


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Elementary Haskell

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數學上,尤其是組合數學,有一個相當常用的函數叫做階乘(Factorial)。[1]階乘函數的參數是一個自然數,它會返回1與此數之間所有數的乘積。比如,6的階乘是 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 = 720 。這相當有趣,因為對我們來說,它可以用一種遞歸函數來表示。



例子: 相鄰數的階乘

Factorial of 6 = 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
Factorial of 5 =     5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1

注意我們是如何對齊的。明顯可以看出6的階乘和5的階乘有關係。6的階乘就是6 × (5的階乘)。讓我們來看另一個例子。


例子: Factorials of adjacent numbers

Factorial of 4 = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
Factorial of 3 =     3 × 2 × 1
Factorial of 2 =         2 × 1
Factorial of 1 =             1


  • 0的階乘是1
  • 任何數的階乘都是此數乘以比此數小一的數的階乘。



例子: 階乘函數

factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)

這就定義了一個新的叫做factorial的函數。第一行表示0的階乘是1,第二行表示任意別的數n的階乘等於n乘以 n-1的階乘。注意那個把n-1括起來的括弧:沒有這個括弧代碼就會被解析稱為(factorial n) - 1;函數行為的優先級是很高的,會最先執行。 Template:Warning

到現在為止,你都會覺得有點微妙。實際上起作用嗎?來看看到底執行了factorial 3到底會發生什麼事情吧:

  • 3不是0,所以「遞歸」(再次執行factorial函數):看2的階乘是幾(也就是factorial 3
    • 2不是0,所以「遞歸」
      • 1不是0,遞歸
        • 0就是0,所以我們返回1
      • 我們將得到的1和本來的1相乘,得到 1 ,即(1 × 1),返回它
    • 我們將得到的1和本來的2相乘,得到2,即(2 × 1 × 1),返回它
  • 我們將得到的2和本來的3相乘,得到6,即6 (3 × 2 × 1 × 1)


注意,我們最終的式子中1出現了兩次,因為底線是0而不是1;不過這造不成什麼錯誤,因為乘1還會是原來的數。如果我們想讓 factorial 在1處停下也辦得到,但0做底線符合常理,而且會很實用。

還有一點需要注意的:兩個聲明(一個是factorial 0的聲明,一個是factorial n的聲明)的順序很重要。Haskell會先匹配第一個句子,來決定函數的定義。所以,如果我們把兩句聲明掉個,第一個n語句將會匹配任何數(包括0)。所以語句 factorial 0的執行過程是去匹配情況n,於是factorial 0 的結果將會是0 * factorial (-1),然後就會沒完沒了。無限循環不是我們想要的。一般來說:特殊情況應該置於前,一般情況置於後。

  1. 將階乘函數鍵入到一個源文件中,再載入到你的Haskell環境中
    • factorial 5是幾?
    • factorial 1000呢?如果你有個計算器,先用它算一算,然後看看和電腦中的一樣嗎?
    • 要是 factorial (-1)會如何?為何如此?
  2. 雙階乘意為:從1(或2)隔一個數字乘一個,一直乘到n。比如,8的雙階乘是 8 × 6 × 4 × 2 = 384, 7的雙階乘是 7 × 5 × 3 × 1 = 105. 定義一個雙階乘函數doublefactorial.





例子: 命令式語言中的階乘函數

int factorial(int n) {
  int res = 1;
  for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    res *= i;
  return res;



例子: 用遞歸模擬循環

factorial n = factorialWorker 1 n 1 where
factorialWorker i n res | i <= n    = factorialWorker (i+1) n (res * i)
                        | otherwise = res

垂直號之後的表達式叫做「guards」(衛士),更詳細的可以參考control structures。現在,我們應該可以通過與以上的c語言代碼相比弄懂它是如何工作的。




正如它本身所揭示的,factorial函數沒有什麼特殊之處;一大批數學函數都可以一種自然地方式遞歸定義。比如,乘法。你第一次接觸乘法(回憶一下那是什麼時候?:)),你認為那就是「重複加」而已。就是說, 5 × 4 和加四個5的結果是一樣的。當然,加四個5和先加三個5再加一個5是一樣的——也就是說, 5 × 4 = 5 × 3 + 5。這讓我們自然想到了乘法的遞歸定義形式。


例子: 遞歸地定義乘法

mult n 0 = 0                      -- 任何数乘 0 是 0
mult n 1 = n                      -- 任何数乘 1 是它本身
mult n m = (mult n (m - 1)) + n   -- 递归体:乘个数减1再加本身

回頭看看,我們可以看到數字遞歸式如何寫成一般遞歸形式的。數字遞歸的基線通常包括一個或更多特殊數字(通常是 0 或 1 ),對這些數字,我們可以立刻給出答案。遞歸體中,通過調用具有更小的參數的函數,相加返回值來產生結果。「更小的參數」通常比本處的參數更小,從而導致遞歸會「朝著更小的數走去」(就像factorial的例子一樣)。當然,更小的參數也可以由其他方式產生。

  1. 展開 5 × 4 ,方式參考 factorial 3的展開。
  2. 定義一個遞歸函數 power ,使得 power x y 計數 xy 次冪。
  3. 已有一個函數 plusOne x = x + 1. 不使用任何 (+)(加號), 定義一個 addition,使得 addition x yxy 相加。
  4. (難) 實現函數 log2, 意思是求以 2 為底的對數。 即, log2 會計算以 2 為底的適合參數的最大的冪。比如, log2 16 = 4log2 11 = 3log2 1 = 0 。(小建議:解題之前,再看一遍最後一段。)


Haskell中「很多」函數都是遞歸函數,尤其是跟表有關的。[3]設想一個可以計算表長度的 length 函數。


例子: length的遞歸定義

length :: [a] -> Int
length []     = 0
length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs

別被眼花繚亂的語法弄蒙了,我們會在 模式匹配 章節更深入的了解。現在,我們把代碼翻譯成人話,搞懂它如何發揮作用。第一行說明了 length的類型:它允許任何表進去,並且產生一個 Int,也就是整數。下一行表示一個空表的長度是 0 。當然,這也是基線(底線)。最後一行是遞歸區:如果一個表包括一個第一元素 x 和表的其餘部分、另外一個表 xs ,那麼表的長度是 xs 的長度加1。

那麼一個 (++) 函數,這個函數可以實現兩個表相連,該如何實現呢?(下面給出這個運算符的幾個例子,因為我們還沒見到過這個功能呢。)


Prelude> [1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6]
Prelude> "Hello " ++ "world" -- Strings are lists of Chars
"Hello world"

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
[] ++ ys     = ys
(x:xs) ++ ys = x : xs ++ ys

length 複雜點是吧,然而掰開了講也很簡單。類型句表明 (++) 函數吸收兩個表,再產生一個表。基線句表明一個空表和一個名為 ys 的表連接還是表 ys 自身。最後一句,遞歸區把第一個表斷為頭部(x)和尾部(xs),然後將第一個表的尾部和第二個表連接,最後將頭部 x 訂在前面。




  1. replicat :: Int -> a -> [a],作用是接受一個數字和一個元素,返回有此數字個元素的表。比如: replicat 3 'a' = "aaa" 。(提示:考慮下0個元素的表是什麼樣子,個數 0 就是你的基線。
  2. (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a在給出的 index(指針) 處返回元素。第一個元素是 index 0第二個是 1 ,以此類推。注意在此函數中,你得對數字和表同時「遞歸」。
  3. (有點難度) zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] ,拉鏈函數,將每個表中對應位置的元素連在一起,組成一個大表。比如 zip [1,2,3] "abc" = [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')] 。如果某個表比較短,則立即停止即可。如 zip [1,2] "abc" = [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b')]





例子: 用標準庫實現 factorial 函數

factorial n = product [1..n]

簡直跟作弊差不多,對吧? :) 這就是有經驗的 Haskell 程式設計師會如何寫程序,他們不會動輒祭起遞歸這個法寶。當然, product 函數的本質就是表遞歸[4],但當我們用這種方式寫代碼的時候,不用操心其實現方式了。



Elementary Haskell

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  1. 在數學上,n的階乘用n!表示,但Haskell可沒有這種語法,所以這裡我們不會這樣用。
  2. 事實上,定義0的階乘是1絕非任意,而是因為0的階乘代表了 empty product.
  3. 這並非巧合,沒有變量,遞歸是實現控制結構的唯一方法。這聽起來很像限制,但只要習慣了,它絕不會礙手礙腳。
  4. 事實上,這個函數叫做 foldl ,經常被用來實現遞歸。







if 表達式


if <condition> then <true-value> else <false-value>


if <condition>
   then <true-value>
   else <false-value>

if <condition>


message42 :: Integer -> String
message42 n =
   if n == 42
      then "The Answer is forty two."
      else "The Answer is not forty two."


One interesting way of thinking about case expressions is seeing them as a generalization of if expressions. We could even write a clone of if as a case:

alternativeIf :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
alternativeIf cond ifTrue ifFalse =
  case cond of
    True  -> ifTrue
    False -> ifFalse

First, this checks cond for a pattern match against True. If there is a match, the whole expression will evaluate to ifTrue, otherwise it will evaluate to ifFalse (since a Bool can only be True or False there is no need for a default case). case is more general than if because the pattern matching in which case selection is based allows it to work with expressions which evaluate to values of any type. [1] In fact, the left hand side of any case branch is just a pattern, so it can also be used for binding:

describeString :: String -> String
describeString str = 
  case str of
    (x:xs) -> "The first character is: " ++ [x] ++ "; the rest of the string is: " ++ xs
    ""     -> "This is an empty string."

This expression tells you whether str is an empty string or something else. Of course, you could just do this with an if-statement (with a condition of str == []), but using a case binds variables to the head and tail of our list, which is convenient in this instance.

Equations and Case Expressions

Remember you can use multiple equations as an alternative to case expressions. The describeString function above could be written like this:

describeString :: String -> String
describeString (x:xs) = "The first character is " ++ [x] ++ "; the rest of the string is " ++ xs
describeString ""     = "This is the empty string."

Named functions and case expressions at the top level are completely interchangeable. In fact the function definition form shown here is just syntactic sugar for a case expression.

One handy thing about case expressions, and indeed about Haskell control structures in general, is that since they evaluate to values they can go inside other expressions just like an ordinary expression would. For example, this case expression evaluates to a string which is then concatenated with two other strings, all inside a single expression:

data Colour = Black | White | RGB Int Int Int

describeColour :: Colour -> String
describeColour c = 
  "This colour is "
  ++ case c of
       Black           -> "black"
       White           -> "white"
       RGB 0 0 0       -> "black"
       RGB 255 255 255 -> "white"
       _               -> "freaky, man, sort of in between"
  ++ ", yeah?"

Writing this function in an equivalent way using the multiple equations style would need a named function inside something like a let block.


As shown, if we have a top-level case expression, we can just give multiple equations for the function instead, which is often neater. Is there an analogue for if expressions? It turns out there is. We use some additional syntax known as "guards". A guard is a boolean condition, like this:

describeLetter :: Char -> String
describeLetter c
   | c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' = "Lower case"
   | c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' = "Upper case"
   | otherwise            = "Not a letter"

Note the lack of an = before the first |. Guards are evaluated in the order they appear. That is, if you have a set up similar to the following:

f (pattern1) | predicate1 = w
             | predicate2 = x
f (pattern2) | predicate3 = y
             | predicate4 = z

Then the input to f will be pattern-matched against pattern1. If it succeeds, then predicate1 will be evaluated. If this is true, then w is returned. If not, then predicate2 is evaluated. If this is true, then x is returned. Again, if not, then we jump out of this 'branch' of f and try to pattern match against pattern2, repeating the guards procedure with predicate3 and predicate4. Unlike the else in if statements, otherwise is not mandatory. Still, if no guards match an error will be produced at runtime, so it's always a good idea to provide the 'otherwise' guard, even if it is just to handle the "But this can't happen!" case (which normally does happen anyway...).

The otherwise you saw above is actually just a normal value defined in the Standard Prelude as:

otherwise :: Bool
otherwise = True

This works because of the sequential evaluation described a couple of paragraphs back: if none of the guards previous to your 'otherwise' one are true, then your otherwise will definitely be true and so whatever is on the right-hand side gets returned. It's just nice for readability's sake.


  1. Again, this is quite different from what happens in most imperative languages, in which switch/case statements are restricted to equality tests, often only on integral primitive types.


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我們已經學習過, Maybe 和列表都表示了一個計算能夠擁有的結果數量. 換句話說, 我們使用 Maybe 來表示計算或許會失敗的情況 (即0種或1種結果), 我們使用列表來表示計算能夠返回0個或任意多個結果的情況.

或許有時我們會需要將兩個這些類型的計算所表示的所有結果合併起來. 比如說, 我們能夠將兩個列表 (++) 起來以"合併"兩個列表所表示的計算結果.


MonadPlus 類型類定義了兩個函數. mzero 是表示沒有結果的值; mplus 則是一個將兩個計算合併的二元函數.

class Monad m => MonadPlus m where
  mzero :: m a
  mplus :: m a -> m a -> m a

以下是 Maybe 和列表的 instance:

instance MonadPlus [] where
  mzero = []
  mplus = (++)
instance MonadPlus Maybe where
  mzero                   = Nothing
  Nothing `mplus` Nothing = Nothing -- 0 个结果 + 0 个结果 = 0 个结果
  Just x  `mplus` Nothing = Just x  -- 1 个结果  + 0 个结果 = 1 个结果
  Nothing `mplus` Just x  = Just x  -- 0 个结果 + 1 个结果  = 1 个结果
  Just x  `mplus` Just y  = Just x  -- 1 个结果  + 1 个结果  = 2 个结果,
                                    -- 但是 Maybe 最多只能表示1个结果,
                                    -- 因此我们丢弃掉第二个.

另外, 在 Control.Monad.Error 模塊中, (Either e) 也定義了 MonadPlus 的 instance:

instance (Error e) => MonadPlus (Either e) where
  mzero            = Left noMsg
  Left _  `mplus` n = n
  Right x `mplus` _ = Right x

Maybe 一樣, (Either e) 表示了可能會失敗的計算. 但和 Maybe 不一樣的是, (Either e) 允許這個失敗的計算包含一條信息 (通常是一個字符串). 一般來說, Left s 表示一個信息為 s 的失敗的計算, Right x 則表示結果為 x 的成功的計算.

例子: 並行解析

傳統的輸入解析一般會使用一次"消耗"一個字符的一系列函數. 換句話說, 一個解析函數接收一個輸入字符串, 從頭部削去 (也就是所謂的"消耗") 一個滿足特定條件的字符. 比如說, 一個消耗一個大寫字符的函數. 但是如果這個頭部的字符不滿足這個特定的條件, 本次解析就失敗了; 因此在這樣的函數中使用 Maybe 或許是個好主意.

我們將使用 mplus並行運行兩個解析器. 換句話說, 如果第一個解析器成功我們就返回它的結果, 否則如果第二個成功我們就返回第二個的結果. 若兩個都失敗了, 我們返回, Nothing.

下例中, 我們消耗一個特定的數字字符並返回它所代表的數字.

digit :: Int -> String -> Maybe Int
digit i s | i > 9 || i < 0 = Nothing
          | otherwise      = do
  let (c:_) = s
  if [c] == show i then Just i else Nothing

我們的 guard 保證了我們所檢查的 Int只有一位. 然後, 我們檢查字符串的首位是否匹配我們所想要的數字. 如果匹配的話, 我們返回一個包裹在 Just 中的數字. do 代碼塊保證了失敗的任何模式匹配都將返回 Nothing.

我們使用 digitmplus 函數來解析一個由二進位位組成的字符串:

binChar :: String -> Maybe Int
binChar s = digit 0 s `mplus` digit 1 s

解析器庫一般都以類似的方式使用 MonadPlus. 好奇的話, 你可以看看 Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP 中 (+++) 函數的實現, 或者 Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim 中的 (<|>).

MonadPlus 法則

MonadPlus 的 instance 必須滿足一些法則, 就如同 Monad 的 instance 需要滿足三條 Monad 法則一樣. 不幸的是, 人們對 MonadPlus 法則並沒有達成一致的意見. 最通常的意見是, mzeromplus 需要形成一個么半群 (monoid). 換句話說:

-- mzero 是一个无具体意义的"中立"值
mzero `mplus` m  =  m
m `mplus` mzero  =  m
-- mplus 满足结合律
-- (但并不是所有的 instance 都满足这条定律, 因为这和一些无尽的值构造相悖)
m `mplus` (n `mplus` o)  =  (m `mplus` n) `mplus` o

"形成一個么半群" 並沒有什麼特別之處: 在上例中, "中立值" 和 "結合律" 可以比作整數加法的交換律和整數0. 事實上, 這也是為什麼這兩個函數叫做 mzero (m零) 和 mplus (m加).

Control.Monad 的 Haddock 文檔 額外規定了以下法則:

mzero >>= f  =  mzero
m >> mzero   =  mzero

HaskellWiki 則給出了具有爭議的另一條:

(m `mplus` n) >>= k  =  (m >>= k) `mplus` (n >>= k)

甚至還有更多的法則. 有時例如 IO 的 Monad 也會有 MonadPlus 的 instance. 參見 All About Monads 以及 Haskell Wiki.


除了基礎的 mplusmzero, 還有兩個應用了 MonadPlus 的通用函數:


處理 MonadPlus 的常見操作: 將一個列表中的 MonadPlus 值, 例如 [Maybe a][[a]], 用 mplus 進行 fold. msum 函數正是為此而生:

msum :: MonadPlus m => [m a] -> m a
msum = foldr mplus mzero

某種意義上, msum 是只能用在列表上的函數 concat 的推廣. 事實上, 當應用在列表上時這兩個函數完全相同. 對於 Maybe, msum 返回其中的第一個 Just x,若其不存在則返回 Nothing.


我們注意到, 列表 monad 和列表解析之間的驚人相似, 但我們或許不是很清楚列表解析中的過濾是如何實現的. guard 就是實現的方式.

我們來看看這個計算所有勾股數 (也就是能形成直角三角形三邊長的三個數) 的列表解析. 首先我們檢查暴力的方法. 我們用一個布爾條件來過濾那些非勾股數的組合:

pythags = [ (x, y, z) | z <- [1..], x <- [1..z], y <- [x..z], x^2 + y^2 == z^2 ]

將如上的列表解析寫成列表 monad 的形式:

pythags = do
  z <- [1..]
  x <- [1..z]
  y <- [x..z]
  guard (x^2 + y^2 == z^2)
  return (x, y, z)

guard 函數的定義:

guard :: MonadPlus m => Bool -> m ()
guard True  = return ()
guard _ = mzero

具體地, 當它獲得一個 False 作為參數時, guard 會將整個 do 代碼塊的運算結果化為 mzero. 因為由於 MonadPlus 法則第一條, mzero 位於 (>>=) 左側的運算將總是得回 mzero. do 代碼塊實際上是一系列用 (>>=) 串聯起來的表達式的語法糖, 因此在任何位置出現的 mzero 都將使它的最終結果變為 mzero.

我們將擴展上面的 pythags 函數以展示 guard 在列表 monad 中的應用. 首先, 這是將 guard 特化到列表 monad 後的實現:

guard :: Bool -> [()]
guard True  = [()]
guard _ = []

簡單地說, guard 堵住了 一條運算路徑. 在 pythags 中, 我們希望能夠堵住所有 x^2 + y^2 == z^2False 的路徑 (或者說, x, yz 的組合). 讓我們在展開 do 代碼塊後的代碼:

pythags =
  [1..] >>= \z ->
  [1..z] >>= \x ->
  [x..z] >>= \y ->
  guard (x^2 + y^2 == z^2) >>= \_ ->
  return (x, y, z)

(>>=)return 替換成它們在列表 monad 中的特化 (並使用 let 綁定來增加可讀性), 我們得到如下等價代碼:

pythags =
 let ret x y z = [(x, y, z)]
     gd  z x y = concatMap (\_ -> ret x y z) (guard $ x^2 + y^2 == z^2)
     doY z x   = concatMap (gd  z x) [x..z]
     doX z     = concatMap (doY z  ) [1..z]
     doZ       = concatMap (doX    ) [1..]
 in doZ

我們注意到當它的參數為 False 時, guard 返回一個空列表. 而無論我們使用什麼函數, 對一個空列表 map 總是返回一個空列表. 因此在 gd 的 let 綁定中對於 guard 的調用中返回的空列表將使 gd 返回一個空列表, 因此 ret 也是一個空列表.

為了更好地理解, 我們可以將列表 monad 中的計算想像成一棵樹. 用我們的算法, 我們需要從頂部開始為每一個 x 的選取創建一個分支, 然後再在這些分支地下為所有 y 的選擇創建分支, z 也是同樣. 因此這棵"計算樹"會長這樣:

   |____________________________________________ ...
   |                     |                    |
x  1                     2                    3
   |_______________ ...  |_______________ ... |_______________ ...
   |      |      |       |      |      |      |      |      |
y  1      2      3       2      3      4      3      4      5
   |___...|___...|___... |___...|___...|___...|___...|___...|___...
   | | |  | | |  | | |   | | |  | | |  | | |  | | |  | | |  | | |
z  1 2 3  2 3 4  3 4 5   2 3 4  3 4 5  4 5 6  3 4 5  4 5 6  5 6 7

每一個 x, y 和 z 的組合都代表了樹中的一條路徑. 當所有計算完成以後, 每一個分支被從下至上合併起來. 任何不滿足條件的路徑此時被轉化成空列表, 因此對合併過程沒有影響.

  1. 證明 Maybe 和列表確實滿足 MonadPlus 法則.
  2. 我們能夠修改上面的解析器, 使其接收任意字符:
     -- | 消耗输入中的一个指定字符, 返回一个二元组,
          其中包含了这个字符以及余下的字符串. 我们用
          一个 do 代码块使得任意位置失败的模式匹配
          都将返回 Maybe 的"失败状态" (也就是 Nothing)
     char :: Char -> String -> Maybe (Char, String)
     char c s = do
       let (c':s') = s
       if c == c' then Just (c, s') else Nothing
    此時我們能夠實現一個 hexChar 函數, 其接收任何合法的十六進位數字符 (0-9 或 a-f). 試著實現這個函數 (提示: map digit [0..9] :: [String -> Maybe Int]).

和 Monoid 的關係

當我們討論 MonadPlus 法則時, 我們提到了數學上的么半群 (Monoid). 事實上 Haskell 中存在著一個 Monoid 類型類, 詳細教程請參見Haskell趣學指南中的章節:

class Monoid m where 
  mempty  :: m
  mappend :: m -> m -> m

列表是一個簡單的 monoid:

instance Monoid [a] where
  mempty  = []
  mappend = (++)

看起來是不是很熟悉呢? 儘管和 MonadPlus 有些相似, 它們有一點關鍵而微妙的區別. 注意在 instance 聲明中我們使用了 [a] 而不是 []. Monoid 並不一定是其他類型的"容器", 或者說不一定是多態的. 比如說, 整數加法構成了一個 Monoid, 其中"中立值" (mempty) 為0.

確實, MonadPlus 的 instance 看起來和 Monoid 類似, 因為兩者都有"零"和"加"的概念. 事實上, 我們能夠讓 MonadPlus 成為 Monoid 的子類 (如果值得這番功夫的話):

 instance MonadPlus m => Monoid (m a) where
   mempty  = mzero
   mappend = mplus

由於 instance 聲明中自由變量 a 的存在, 上述代碼在 Haskell 98 中並不合法. 除非你開啟 GHC 的 語言擴展 FlexibleInstances:

  • 如果你使用的是 GHCi, 使用參數 -XFlexibleInstances 啟動它或者在交互提示符下輸入 :set -XFlexibleInstances.
  • 如果你編譯後再運行程序的話, 在源文件第一行加上 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}.

我們重申一下, MonoidMonadPlus 工作與不同的"層次". 正如之前所說, Monoid 並不一定是其他類型的"容器", 或者說不一定是多態的. 更加正式地, Monoid 的 kind 為 *, 但 MonadPlus 的 instance 的 kind 為 * -> *. (後者本身也是 Monad).



理解 Monad  >> 高級 Monad  >> Monad 進階  >> MonadPlus  >> Monadic parser combinators  >> Monad transformers  >> Monad 實務


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庫參考 >> 普通實務 >> 特殊任務

Monad transformers

我們已經學習了Monad能夠如何簡便對於 IO, Maybe, 列表, 和 State 的處理. 每一個Monad都是如此的有用且用途廣泛, 我們自然會尋求將幾個Monad的特性組合起來的方法. 比如, 也許我們可以定義一個既能處理I/O操作, 又能使用 Maybe 提供的異常處理的函數. 雖然這可以用形如 IO (Maybe a) 的函數實現, 但是在這種方式下我們將被迫在 IO 的 do 代碼塊中手工模式匹配提取值, 而避免寫出這種繁瑣而無謂的代碼卻恰恰是 Maybe Monad存在的原因.

於是我們發明了 monad transformers: 它們能夠將幾種Monad的特性融合起來, 同時不失去使用Monad的靈活性.


我們先來看一看這個幾乎每一個IT從業人員都會遇到的實際問題: 讓用戶設置足夠強的密碼. 一種方案是: 強迫用戶輸入大於一定長度, 且滿足各種惱人要求的密碼 (例如包含大寫字母, 數字, 字符, 等等).


getPassphrase :: IO (Maybe String)
getPassphrase = do s <- getLine
                   if isValid s then return $ Just s
                                else return Nothing

-- 我们可以要求密码满足任何我们想要的条件
isValid :: String -> Bool
isValid s = length s >= 8
            && any isAlpha s
            && any isNumber s
            && any isPunctuation s

首先, getPassphrase 是一個 IO Monad, 因為它需要從用戶處獲得輸入. 我們還使用了 Maybe, 因為若密碼沒有通過 isValid 的建議, 我們決定返回 Nothing. 需要注意的是, 我們在這裡並沒有使用到 Maybe 作為Monad的特性: do 代碼塊的類型是 IO monad, 我們只是恰巧 return 了一個 Maybe 類型的值罷了.

Monad transformers 不僅僅使 getPassphrase 的實現變簡單了, 而且還能夠簡化幾乎所有運用了多個monad的代碼. 這是不使用Monad transformers的程序:

askPassphrase :: IO ()
askPassphrase = do putStrLn "输入新密码:"
                   maybe_value <- getPassphrase
                   if isJust maybe_value
                     then do putStrLn "储存中..." -- 假装存在数据库操作
                     else putStrLn "密码无效"

這段代碼單獨使用了一行來獲得 maybe_value, 然後又手工對它進行驗證.

如果使用 monad transformers, 我們將可以把獲得輸入和驗證這兩個步驟合二為一 — 我們將不再需要模式匹配或者等價的 isJust. 在我們的簡單例子中, 或許 monad transformers 只作出了微小的改進, 但是當問題規模進一步擴大時, 它們將發揮巨大的作用.

一個簡單的 monad transformer: MaybeT

為了簡化 getPassphrase 以及所有使用到它的函數, 我們定義一個賦予 IO monad 一些 Maybe monad 特性的 monad transformer; 我們將其命名為 MaybeT. 一般來說, monad transformers 的名字都會以 "T" 結尾, 而之前的部分 (例如, 在本例中是"Maybe") 表示它所提供的特性.

MaybeT 是一個包裝 (wrap) 了 m (Maybe a) 的類型, 其中 m 可以是任何Monad (在本例中即為 IO):

newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }

這裡的 datatype 聲明定義了 MaybeT, 一個被 m 參數化的類型構造子 (type constructor), 以及一個值構造函數 (value constructor), 同樣被命名為 MaybeT, 以及一個作用為簡便的內部值訪問的函數 runMaybeT.

Monad transformers 的關鍵在於 他們本身也是monads; 因此我們需要寫出 MaybeT mMonad 類型類實例:

instance Monad m => Monad (MaybeT m) where
    return  = MaybeT . return . Just

首先, 我們先用 Just 將值裝入最內層的 Maybe 中, 然後用 return 將前述 Maybe 裝入 m monad里, 最後再用 MaybeT 將整個值包裝起來.

我們也可以這樣實現 (雖然是不是增加了可讀性仍然有待商榷) return = MaybeT . return . return.

如同在所有monad中一樣, (>>=) 也是 transformer 的核心.

-- 特化为 MaybeT m 的 (>>=) 函数类型签名 
(>>=) :: MaybeT m a -> (a -> MaybeT m b) -> MaybeT m b

x >>= f = MaybeT $ do maybe_value <- runMaybeT x
                      case maybe_value of
                           Nothing    -> return Nothing
                           Just value -> runMaybeT $ f value

我們從 do 代碼塊的第一行開始解釋:

  • 首先, runMaybeTx 中取出 m (Maybe a). 我們由此可知整個 do 代碼塊的類型為 monad m.
  • 第一行稍後, <- 從上述值中取出了 Maybe a.
  • case 語句對 maybe_value 進行檢測:
    • 若其為 Nothing, 我們將 Nothing 返回至 m 當中;
    • 若其為 Just, 我們將函數 f 應用到其中的 value 上. 因為 f 的返回值類型為 MaybeT m b, 我們需要再次使用 runMaybeT 來將其返回值提取回 m monad 中.
  • 最後, do 代碼塊的類型為 m (Maybe b); 因此我們用 MaybeT 值構造函數將它包裝進 MaybeT 中.

這咋看來獲取有些複雜; 但是若剔除大量的包裝和解包裝, 我們的代碼和 Maybe monad 的實現其實很像:

-- Maybe monad 的 (>>=)
maybe_value >>= f = case maybe_value of
                        Nothing -> Nothing
                        Just value -> f value

我們在 do 代碼塊中仍然能夠使用 runMaybeT, 為何要在前者上應用 MaybeT 值構造函數呢? 這是因為我們的 do 代碼塊必須是 m monad, 而不是 MaybeT m monad, 因為後者此時還沒有定義 (>>=). (回想一下 do 語法糖是如何工作的)


return 的實現中層層相疊的函數也許可以為我們提供一個(或許)有助於理解的比喻: 將複合的 monad 想像為一個 三明治; 雖然這個比喻似乎在暗示實際上有三個 monad 在起作用, 但是實際上只有兩個: 內層的以及"融合了的" monad. 置於基層的 monad (本例中即Maybe) 中並沒有用到 (>>=) 或者 return, 它只是作為 transformer 實現的一部分罷了. 如果你覺得這個比喻很有道理, 將 transformer 和 底層 monad 想像成三明治的兩片包裹著內層 monad 的麵包. [1]

理論上, 這就是我們所需的全部了; 但是, 為 MaybeT 實現幾個其他類型類的 instance 又何妨呢?

instance Monad m => MonadPlus (MaybeT m) where
    mzero     = MaybeT $ return Nothing
    mplus x y = MaybeT $ do maybe_value <- runMaybeT x
                            case maybe_value of
                                 Nothing    -> runMaybeT y
                                 Just _     -> return maybe_value

instance MonadTrans MaybeT where
    lift = MaybeT . (liftM Just)

MonadTrans monad 實現了 lift 函數, 由此我們可以在 MaybeT m monad 的 do 代碼塊中使用m monad 的值. 至於 MonadPlus, 因為 Maybe 有著這個類型類的 instance, MaybeT 也應該有著對應的 instance.


現在, 前例的密碼管理可以被改寫為:

getValidPassphrase :: MaybeT IO String
getValidPassphrase = do s <- lift getLine
                        guard (isValid s) -- MonadPlus 类型类使我们能够使用 guard.
                        return s

askPassphrase :: MaybeT IO ()
askPassphrase = do lift $ putStrLn "输入新密码:"
                   value <- getValidPassphrase
                   lift $ putStrLn "储存中..."

這段代碼簡潔多了, 特別是 askPassphrase 函數. 最重要的是, 有著 (>>=) 為我們代勞, 我們不再需要手動檢查結果是 NothingJust 中的哪一個了.

我們使用了 lift 函數以在 MaybeT IO monad 中使用 getLineputStrLn; 因為 MaybeT IO 有著 MonadPlus 類型類的 instance, guard 可以為我們檢查代碼的合法性. 在密碼不合法時其將返回 mzero (即 IO Nothing).

碰巧, 有了 MonadPlus, 我們可以優雅地不停要求用戶輸入一個合法的密碼:

askPassword :: MaybeT IO ()
askPassword = do lift $ putStrLn "输入新密码:"
                 value <- msum $ repeat getValidPassphrase
                 lift $ putStrLn "储存中..."

泛濫的 transformer

transformers 包提供了許多包含常見 monad 的 transformer 版本的模塊 (例如 Template:Haskell lib 模塊提供了 MaybeT). 它們和對應的非 transformer 版本 monad 是兼容的; 換句話說, 除去一些和另一個 monad 交互所用到的包裝和解包裝 , 它們的實現基本上是一致的. 從今往後, 我們稱 transformer monad 所基於的非 transformer 版本的 monad 為 基層 monad (例如 MaybeT 中的 Maybe); 以及稱應用在 transformer 上的 monad 為 內層 monad (例如 MaybeT IO 中的 IO).

我們隨便舉一個例子, ReaderT Env IO String. 這是一個能夠從某個外部環境讀取 Env 類型的值 (並且和 Reader, 也就是基 monad, 使用方法相同) 並且能夠進行一些I/O, 最後返回一個 String 類型的值的 monad. 由於這個 transformer 的 (>>=)return 語義和基 monad 相同, 一個 ReaderT Env IO String 類型的 do 語句塊從外部看來和另一個 Reader 類型的 do 語句塊並無二致, 除了我們需要用 lift 來使用 IO monad.


我們已經了解到, MaybeT 的類型構造子實際上是一個對內層 monad 中的 Maybe 值的包裝. 因此, 用於取出內部值的函數 runMaybeT 返回給我們一個類型為 m (Maybe a) 的值 - 也就是一個由內層 monad 包裝著的基 monad 值. 類似的, 對於分別基於列表和 Either 構建的 ListTExceptT transformer:

runListT :: ListT m a -> m [a]


runExceptT :: ExceptT e m a -> m (Either e a)

然而並不是所有的 transformer 都和它們的基 monad 有著類似的關係. 不同於上面兩例所給出的基 monad, Writer, Reader, State, 以及 Cont monad 既沒有多個值構造子, 也沒有接收多個參數的值構造函數. 因此, 它們提供了形如 run... 的函數以作為解包裝函數, 而它們的 transformer 則提供形如 run...T 的函數. 下表給出了這些 monad 的 run...run...T 函數的類型, 而這些類型事實上就是包裝在基 monad 和對應的 transformer 中的那些. [2]

基 Monad Transformer 原始類型
(被基 monad 包裝的類型)
(被 transformer 包裝的類型)
Writer WriterT (a, w) m (a, w)
Reader ReaderT r -> a r -> m a
State StateT s -> (a, s) s -> m (a, s)
Cont ContT (a -> r) -> r (a -> m r) -> m r

我們可以注意到, 基 monad 並沒有出現在複合的類型中. 這些 monad 並沒有一個像 Maybe 或列表那樣的有意義的構造函數, 因此我們選擇不在 transformer monad 中保留基 monad. 值得注意的是, 在後三個例子中我們包裝的值是函數. 拿 StateT 作例子, 將原有的表示狀態轉換的 s -> (a, s) 函數變為 s -> m (a, s) 的形式; 然而我們只將函數的返回值 (而不是整個函數) 包裝進內層 monad 中. ReaderT 也與此差不多. ContT 卻與它們不同: 由於 Cont (表示延續的 monad) 的性質, 被包裝的函數和作這個函數參數的函數返回值必須相同, 因此 transformer 將兩個值都包裝入內層 monad 中. 遺憾的是, 並沒有一種能將普通的 monad 轉換成 transformer 版本的萬靈藥; 每一種 transformer 的實現都和基 monad 的行為有關.


我們將仔細研究 lift 函數: 它是應用 monad transformers 的關鍵. 首先, 我們需要對它的名字 "lift" 做一些澄清. 在理解_Monad中, 我們已經學習過一個名字類似的函數 liftM. 我們了解到, 它實際上是 monad 版本的 fmap:

liftM :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b

liftM 將一個類型為 (a -> b) 的函數應用到一個 m monad 內的值上. 我們也可以將它視為只有一個參數:

liftM :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)

liftM 將一個普通的函數轉換為在 m monad 上運作的函數. 我們用"提升(lifting)"表示將一樣東西帶至另一樣東西中 — 在前例中, 我們將一個函數提升到了 m monad 中.

有了 liftM, 我們不需要用 do 代碼塊或類似的技巧就能夠把尋常的函數應用在 monad 上了:

do notation liftM
do x <- monadicValue
   return (f x)
liftM f monadicValue

類似的, lift 函數在 transformer 上起到了一個相似的作用. 它將內層 monad 中的計算帶至複合的 monad (即 transformer monad) 中. 這使得我們能夠輕易地在複合 monad 中插入一個內層 monad 的運算.

liftMonadTrans 類型類的唯一一個函數, 參見 Template:Haskell lib. 所有的 transformer 都有 MonadTrans 的 instance, 因此我們能夠在任何一個 transformer 上使用 lift.

class MonadTrans t where
    lift :: (Monad m) => m a -> t m a

lift 存在一個 IO 的變種, 名叫 liftIO; 這是 MonadIO 類型類的唯一一個函數, 參見 Template:Haskell lib.

class (Monad m) => MonadIO m where
   liftIO :: IO a -> m a

當多個 transformer 被組合在一起時, liftIO 能夠帶來一些便利. 在這種情況下, IO 永遠是最內層的 monad (因為不存在 IOT transformer), 因此一般來說我們需要多次使用 lift 以將 IO 中的值從底層提升至複合 monad 中. 定義了 liftIO instance 的類型被設計成能夠使用 liftIOIO 從任意深的內層一次性提升到 transformer monad 中.

實現 lift

lift 並不是很複雜. 以 MaybeT transformer 為例:

instance MonadTrans MaybeT where
    lift m = MaybeT (liftM Just m)

我們從接收到一個內層 monad 中的值的參數開始. 我們使用 liftM (或者 fmap, 因為所有Monad都首先是Functor) 和 Just 值構造函數來將基 monad 插入內層 monad 中, 以從 m a 轉化為 m (Maybe a)). 最後, 我們使用 MaybeT 值構造函數將三明治包裹起來. 值得注意的是, 此例中 liftM 工作於內層 monad 中, 如同我們之前看到的 MaybeT(>>=) 實現中的 do 代碼塊一樣.

  1. 為什麼 lift 必須為每一個 monad transformer 單獨定義, 但 liftM 卻可以只實現一次呢?
  2. Identity 是一個定義於 Data.Functor.Identity 中實際意義不大的 functor:
    newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
    它有著如下的 Monad instance:
    instance Monad Identity where
        return a = Identity a
        m >>= k  = k (runIdentity m)
    實現一個 monad transformer IdentityT, 這個 transformer 和 Identity 類似, 但是將值包裹在 m a 而不是 a 類型的值中. 請你至少寫出它的 MonadMonadTrans instances.

實現 transformers

State transformer

作為一個額外的例子, 我們將試著實現 StateT. 請確認自己了解 State 再繼續. [3]

正如同 State monad 有著 newtype State s a = State { runState :: (s -> (a,s)) } 的定義一樣, StateT transformer 的定義為:

newtype StateT s m a = StateT { runStateT :: (s -> m (a,s)) }

StateT s m 有著如下的 Monad instance, 旁邊用基 monad 作為對比:

State StateT
newtype State s a =
  State { runState :: (s -> (a,s)) }

instance Monad (State s) where
  return a        = State $ \s -> (a,s)
  (State x) >>= f = State $ \s ->
    let (v,s') = x s
    in runState (f v) s'
newtype StateT s m a =
  StateT { runStateT :: (s -> m (a,s)) }

instance (Monad m) => Monad (StateT s m) where
  return a         = StateT $ \s -> return (a,s)
  (StateT x) >>= f = StateT $ \s -> do
    (v,s') <- x s          -- 取得新的值和状态
    runStateT (f v) s'     -- 将它们传递给 f

我們的 return 實現使用了內層 monad 的 return 函數. (>>=) 則使用一個 do 代碼塊來在內層 monad 中進行計算.


現在我們能夠解釋, 為什麼在 State monad 中存在手工定義的 state 卻沒有與類型一同定義的 State 值構造函數了. 在 transformersmtl 包中, State s 被定義為 StateT s Identity 的類型別名, 其中 Identity 是在本章練習中出現的沒有特別效果的 monad. 這個定義和我們迄今為止所見的使用 newtype 的定義是等價的.

為了將 StateT s m monad 同 State monad 一般使用, 我們自然需要核心的 getput 函數. 這裡我們將使用 mtl 的代碼風格. mtl 不僅僅提供了 monad transformers 的定義, 還提供了定義了常見 monad 的關鍵操作的類型類. 例如, Template:Haskell lib 包所提供的 MonadState 類型類, 定義了 getput 函數:

instance (Monad m) => MonadState s (StateT s m) where
  get   = StateT $ \s -> return (s,s)
  put s = StateT $ \_ -> return ((),s)

instance (Monad m) => MonadState s (StateT s m) 的意思是: "對於任何類型 s 以及任何是 Monad instance 的類型 m, sStateT s m 共同組成了一個 MonadState 的 instance". sm 分別對應了 state monad 和內層 monad. 類型參數 s 是 instance 聲明的一個獨立部分, 因此函數能夠訪問到 s: 舉個例子, put 的類型為 s -> StateT s m ().

存在為其他 transformer 包裝著的 state monad 所定義的 MonadState instance, 例如 MonadState s m => MonadState s (MaybeT m). 這些 instance 使得我們不再需要寫出 lift 來使用 get and put, 因為複合 monad 的 MonadState instance 為我們代勞了.

我們還可以為複合 monad 實現內層 monad 所擁有的一些類型類 instance. 例如, 所有包裝了 StateT (其擁有 MonadPlus instance) 的複合 monad 也同樣能夠擁有 MonadPlus 的 instance:

instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (StateT s m) where
  mzero = StateT $ \_ -> mzero
  (StateT x1) `mplus` (StateT x2) = StateT $ \s -> (x1 s) `mplus` (x2 s)

mzeromplus 的實現符合我們的直覺; 它們將實際的操作下推給內層 monad 來完成.

最後, monad transformer 必須有 MonadTrans 的 instance, 不然我們無法使用 lift:

instance MonadTrans (StateT s) where
  lift c = StateT $ \s -> c >>= (\x -> return (x,s))

lift 函數返回一個包裝在 StateT 中的函數, 其接受一個表示狀態的值 s 作為參數, 返回一個函數, 這個函數接受一個內層 monad 中的值, 並將它通過 (>>=) 傳遞給一個將其和狀態打包成一個在內層 monad 中的二元組的函數. 舉個例子, 當我們在 StateT transformer 中使用列表時, 一個返回列表的函數 (即一個在列表 monad 中的計算) 在被提升為 StateT s []後, 將變成一個返回 StateT (s -> [(a,s)]) 的函數. 換句話說, 這個函數用初始狀態產生了多個 (值, 新狀態) 的二元組. 我們將 StateT 中的計算 "fork" 了, 為被提升的函數返回的列表中的每一個值創建了一個計算分支. 當然了, 將 StateT 和不同的 monad 組合將產生不同效果的 lift 函數.

  1. 使用 getput 來實現 state :: MonadState s m => (s -> (a, s)) -> m a.
  2. MaybeT (State s)StateT s Maybe 等價嗎? (提示: 比較兩個 run...T 函數的返回值.


本章摘取了 All About Monads, 已取得作者 Jeff Newbern 的授權.



理解 Monad  >> 高級 Monad  >> Monad 進階  >> MonadPlus  >> Monadic parser combinators  >> Monad transformers  >> Monad 實務


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高級Haskell >> 類型的樂趣 >> 理論提升 >> Haskell性能

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  1. 譯者並沒有看懂這個比喻, 請批判性地閱讀. 看得懂的人希望能夠幫忙確認或修改.
  2. 嚴格意義上, 這個解釋只在大於 版本的 mtl 包中成立.
  3. 譯註: 此處作者引用了 理解_Monad 中的內容, 然而譯時此章節並沒有翻譯完成.