模板:Cite journal en

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本模板的用意是为了回避{{Cite journal}}中所出现的全形标点符号,例如,或「」,这些符号有些可能只会出现在繁体版本,此外也是为了避免在英语文献中穿插中文字(例如“2004年”)。相关指引参见WP:CITE

此模板专门使用于英语文献或其他相同格式的语言。由于中文版与英文版的内部连结并不一致,请尽量不要直接套用英文版的内部连结。例如“July 4”。


  • {{Cite web en}}:英文与相似格式语言专用网页引用模板。
  • {{Cite book en}}:英文与相似格式语言专用书籍引用模板。
  • {{Cite news en}}:英文与相似格式语言专用新闻引用模板。
  • {{Cite journal zh}}:中文专用期刊引用模板。



{{cite journal en |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |year= |month= |title= |journal= |volume= |issue= |pages= |id= |url= |accessdate= 2025-02-07 |quote= }}


{{cite journal en |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |year= |month= |title= |journal= |volume= |issue= |pages= |id= |url= |accessdate= |quote= }}

Using lastname, firstname Using author (firstname lastname)
{{cite journal en
 | quotes = 
 | last = 
 | first = 
 | authorlink = 
 | coauthors = 
 | date = 
 | year = 
 | month = 
 | title = 
 | journal = 
 | volume = 
 | issue = 
 | pages = 
 | publisher = 
 | location = 
 | issn = 
 | pmid = 
 | doi = 
 | bibcode = 
 | oclc =
 | id = 
 | url = 
 | language = 
 | format = 
 | accessdate = 
 | laysummary = 
 | laysource = 
 | laydate = 
 | quote = 
{{cite journal en
 | quotes = 
 | author = 
 | date = 
 | year = 
 | month = 
 | title = 
 | journal = 
 | volume = 
 | issue = 
 | pages = 
 | publisher = 
 | location = 
 | issn = 
 | pmid = 
 | doi = 
 | bibcode = 
 | oclc =
 | id = 
 | url = 
 | language = 
 | format = 
 | accessdate = 
 | laysummary = 
 | laysource = 
 | laydate = 
 | quote = 
  • quotes: 引号,输入no可使文献标题两侧不显示引号。(预设状态带有引号)。
  • author: 作者
    • last: lastname,通常是姓氏。
    • first: firstname,可用缩写。
      • 以上两个参数将会显示成last, first;
    • authorlink 带有内部连结的作者名称
    • coauthors: 共同作者
  • date: 例如:January 1, 2006. 请不要使用内部连结。
    • year: 2006. 出版年份。
      • month: January. Month of publication (ignored if the date field is used, or if the year field is not used).
  • title: 文献标题。此为唯一必填参数。
  • journal: 期刊名。
  • volume: Volume号。
  • issue: Issue号。
  • pages: 例如45–47,此为页数。
  • publisher: 出版商。
    • location: 出版商所在地。
  • issn: ISSN编号,例如1111-2220
  • pmid: PMID编号,也就是pubmed使用的编号,例如15128012
  • oclc: OCLC编号,例如3185581
  • doi: doi编码,例如10.1016/j.coi.2004.08.001
    • doilabel: If the doi contains some characters that must be escaped, use "doilabel" for the unescaped version. See {{doi}}: "id" is equivalent to "doi" and "label" is "doilabel"
  • bibcode: The document's bibcode in the Astrophysics Data System, e.g., 1924MNRAS..84..308E
  • id: A unique identifier, used if none of the above are applicable. In this case, you need to specify the kind of identifier you are using, preferably with a template like {{US patent}}. (Use one of the more specialized parameters if possible; they are linked automatically. In other words, don't use id = PMID 15128012 anymore. Use pmid = 15128012.)
  • url: 线上版本连结
    • format: Format, e.g. PDF. Don't specify for HTML (implied as default).
      Specify as 'fee required' if free access no longer available.
      Specify as 'Reprint' if a full original version but not hosted by the original publisher.
  • accessdate: Full date when URL was last checked. Use ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, for example "accessdate = 2025-02-7". Must not be wikilinked

For producing a non-wikilinked date of retrieval:

  • accessmonthday and accessyear: Month and day when item was accessed, for example "accessmonthday = May 10", and year when item was accessed, for example "accessyear = 2005". Produces: Retrieved on May 10, 2006.
  • accessdaymonth and accessyear: Month and day when item was accessed, for example "accessmonthday = 10 May", and year when item was accessed, for example "accessyear = 2005". Produces: Retrieved on 10 May 2006.
  • laysummary: URL of a lay summary, which could be in a popular science magazine or newspaper.
    • laysource: Name of the source, e.g. The Guardian (UK newspaper) or New Scientist.
    • laydate: Date of publication or, where this is not available, date of retrieval of the lay summary.
  • quote: Relevant excerpt from the journal.


Formal citation
{{cite journal en |last=Smith |first=Joseph III |title=Last Testimony of Sister Emma |journal=The Saints' Herald |volume=26 |year=1879 |month=October |pages=289 }}
Smith, Joseph III (October 1879). "Last Testimony of Sister Emma". The Saints' Herald 26: 289. 
Include URL link to free-article, pre-print or abstract
{{cite journal en |last=Smith |first=Joseph III |title=Last Testimony of Sister Emma |journal=The Saints' Herald |volume=26 |issue=19 |date=[[October 1]], [[1879]] |pages=289 |url=http://www.lavazone2.com/dbroadhu/IL/sain1872.htm#100179 |accessdate=2006-03-23 }}
Smith, Joseph III (October 1, 1879). "Last Testimony of Sister Emma". The Saints' Herald 26 (19): 289. Retrieved on 2006-03-23. 
Specify the DOI to provide a permanent and direct link to the article from the publisher
{{cite journal en |last=Giles |first=Jim |title=Preprint Server Seeks Way to Halt Plagiarists |url=http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v426/n6962/full/426007a.html |journal=Nature |date=6 November 2003 |pages=7 |doi=10.1038/426007a }}
Giles, Jim (6 November 2003). "Preprint Server Seeks Way to Halt Plagiarists". Nature: 7. doi:10.1038/426007a. 
Other examples
  • {{cite journal en |last=Fowler |first=Martin |authorlink=Martin Fowler |coauthors=Kent Beck |title=Last Testimony of Sister Emma |journal=The Saints' Herald |volume=26 |year=1879 |month=October |pages=289 }}
Fowler, Martin; Kent Beck (October 1879). "Last Testimony of Sister Emma". The Saints' Herald 26: 289. 
  • {{cite journal en |first=W. Hugh |last=Woodin |title=The Continuum Hypothesis, Part I |journal=Notices of the AMS |volume=48 |issue=6 |year=2001 |pages=567–576 |location=Providence, RI |publisher=American Mathematical Society |url=http://www.ams.org/notices/200106/fea-woodin.pdf |language=Greek |format=PDF |issn=1088-9477 |oclc=34550461 }}
Woodin, W. Hugh (2001). "The Continuum Hypothesis, Part I" (Greek) (PDF). Notices of the AMS 48 (6): 567–576. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. ISSN 1088-9477. OCLC 34550461. 
  • {{cite journal en |title=Disney Releases 10 Titles on Laser Videodisc |year=1982 |journal=VIDEODISC/VIDEOTEX |volume=2 |issue=3 |pages=175 }}
(1982) "Disney Releases 10 Titles on Laser Videodisc". VIDEODISC/VIDEOTEX 2 (3): 175. 

