什麼是感覺? 編輯

化學受器 編輯

味覺系統 編輯

Papilla 編輯

Structure of Taste Buds 編輯

Types of Taste 編輯

Disorders of the Tongue 編輯

嗅覺系統 編輯

Receptors 編輯

In the brain 編輯

Pheromonal olfaction 編輯

Olfaction and Gustation 編輯

Disorders of Olfaction 編輯

視覺 編輯

眼睛解剖 編輯

眼睛運動 編輯

我們如何看東西 編輯

Depth Perception 編輯

Diseases, disorders, and age-related changes 編輯

思考 編輯

  1. 為什麼我們平常不會注意到盲點?
  2. 看着一個光源十秒鐘,然後看旁邊的白紙,你觀察到什麼?原因是?
  3. 為什麼晚上盯着一個東西看,他會暫時消失?要怎麼讓他重新出現?
  4. 桿狀細胞對什麼敏感?錐狀細胞對什麼敏感?
  5. 解釋顛茄(Deadly Nightshade)的作用

聽覺 編輯

耳朵解剖學 編輯

Process of Hearing 編輯

水中的聽覺 編輯

Localization of Sound by Humans 編輯

平衡感的機制 編輯

Disorders with the Ear 編輯

思考 編輯

觸覺 編輯

巴齊尼氏小體(Pacinian Corpuscles) 編輯

梅斯納氏小體(Meissner's Corpuscles) 編輯

梅克爾觸覺盤(Merkel's Discs) 編輯

魯菲尼小體(Ruffini corpuscles) 編輯

觸覺失調 編輯

案例研究 編輯

The newborn's senses 編輯

Review Questions 編輯

詞彙表 編輯

聽道(Auditory Canal)

Tube from the auditory meatus or opening of the ear to the tympanic membrane

耳咽管(Auditory Tube)

Either of the paired tubes connecting the middle ears to the nasopharynx; equalizes air pressure on the two sides of the eardrum


Physiological response of a sense organ to a chemical stimulus


Vascular layer of the eye lying between the retina and the sclera

Circumvallate papillae: Papillae that are present on the back of the oral part of the tongue


Is concerned with hearing, resembling a shell of a snail


When things smell differently than they should

Equilibrium: Sense of balance

Extraocular muscles: Six muscles that control eye movements: lateral rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, superior rectus, inferior oblique and superior oblique

Filiform papillae: Thin, longer papillae that don't contain taste buds but are the most numerous

Foliate papillae: Ridges and grooves towards the posterior part of the tongue

Fungiform papillae: These are present mostly at the apex (tip) of the tongue- slightly mushroom shaped


Hair Cell: Mechanosensors for hearing, columnar cells each with a bundle of 100-200 specialized cilia at the top


From the Greek Haphe, means pertaining to the sense of touch

Hyposmia: Decreased ability to smell

內耳(Inner Ear)

Innermost part of the ear, contains the cochlea, westibule and semi-circular canals


Sensory receptor that responds to mechanical pressure or distortion

Meissner's Corpuscle: Encapsulated unmyelinated nerve endings, usually found in areas sensitive to light touch

中耳(Middle Ear)

Air Filled Cavity behind the Ear Drum, includes most of the ear Drum and ear Bones

Nasopharynx: Nasal part of the pharynx that lies behind the nose and above the level of the soft palate

Nociception: The perception of pain

中耳炎(Otitis Media)
外耳(Outer Ear)

External portion of the ear, includes the auricle, ear canal and surface of the ear drum

Oval Window: Fenestra that has the base of the stapes attached to it

Pacinian Corpuscles; Detect gross pressure changes and vibrations

Papilla: Specialized epithelial cells that are small projections on the top of the tongue

Perception: The brain’s interpretation of a sensation

Phantosmia: Phenomenon of smelling odors that aren't really present (AKA Phantom odors)

Photoreceptors: Specialized type of neuron found in the eye's retina that is capable of phototransduction

Pinna: Auricle of the ear

Retina: Thin layer of neural cells that lines the back of the eyeball of vertebrates and some cephalopods

Round Window: Fenestra leading into the cochlea

Sclera: White outer coating of the eye- gives the eye its shape and helps to protect the delicate inner parts

Semicircular Canals: Certain canals of the inner ear

Sensation: Occurs when nerve impulses arrive in the brain

Sensory adaptation: A decrease in response to stimuli

Stapes: One of the small bones in the tympanum of the ear; the stirrups bone

Tactition: The sense of pressure perception, generally in the skin

Tympanic Membrane: The membrane in the ear that vibrates to produce sound


References 編輯