Description of syntactic sugar

Summary of the various uses of syntactic sugar in Haskell

Functions 編輯

For more information, see the chapter 深入函數
description sweet unsweet
\x -> x + 2
\x -> 3 - x

Lists 編輯

For more information, see the chapters 列表和元組 and 深入列表
description sweet unsweet
arithmetic sequences
enumFromTo 1 5
enumFromThenTo 1 3 9
enumFrom 1
enumFromThen 1 3
list comprehensions
[ x | (x,y) <- foos, x < 2 ]
let ok (x,y) = if x < 2 then [x] else []
in concatMap ok foos

Records 編輯

Do and proc notation 編輯

For more information, see the chapters 理解 Monad and Arrows
description sweet unsweet
do putStrLn "one"
   putStrLn "two"
putStrLn "one" >>
putStrLn "two"
Monadic binding
do x <- getLine
   putStrLn $ "You typed: " ++ x
getLine >>= \x ->
putStrLn $ "You typed: " ++ x
Let binding
do let f xs = xs ++ xs
   putStrLn $ f "abc"
let f xs = xs ++ xs
in putStrLn $ f "abc"

Layout 編輯

For more information on layout, see the chapter on 縮進