GIMP提供了一個綜合的工具箱,以便於快速執行基本任務。工具箱可充分客製化,這意味著您可以添加或移除任何工具。您只要到窗口 > 可停靠對話方塊 > 工具選擇要添加或移除的工具即可。

Toolbox from GIMP 2.6

預設情況下,並不是所有的工具都會被顯示出來,比如GEGL操作和顏色工具就被省略了。通過工具選單,你可以打開所有工具。想切換到工具箱窗口,你可以使用Ctrl+B組合鍵。當然了,這裡說的都是預設情況下的快速鍵,你可以通過編輯 > 快速鍵進行調節。




圖示 名稱 快速鍵 簡介
  矩形選擇工具 R 選擇矩形或正方形區域。
  橢圓選擇工具 E 選擇橢圓或圓形區域。
  自由選擇工具 F 又稱「套索工具」,用於選擇任意形狀的區域。
  模糊選擇工具 U 又稱「魔棒工具」,根據顏色選擇一片連續的區域。
  按顏色選擇工具 Shift + O 選擇所有顏色相似的區域。
  剪刀選擇工具 I 又稱「磁性套索工具」,根據邊緣選擇形狀。
  前景選擇工具 選擇包含前景物件的區域。
  油漆桶填充工具 Shift + B 用一種顏色或團填充選中的區域。
  混合工具 L 又稱「漸變工具」,用顏色漸變填充選中的區域。
  鉛筆工具 N 用於做硬邊緣的繪畫。
  畫筆工具 P 用於做邊緣平滑的繪畫。
  橡皮工具 Shift + E 用於擦除圖層上的圖案。
  噴槍工具 A 用於做帶有不同壓力的繪圖。
  墨水工具 K 用於繪製有書法風格、無鋸齒的線條。
  克隆工具 C 又稱「仿製圖章工具」,用於將一幅圖片中的圖案複製到另一幅圖中。
  復原工具 H 修復圖像的不規則。
  透明克隆工具 用於從應用透視變換後的圖片中複製內容。
  模糊/銳化工具 Shift + U 模糊或銳化圖像。
  塗抹工具 S 從「推」的方向擴散圖案。
  減淡/加深工具 Shift + D 亮化或暗化圖像中的陰影、中間色調和亮點。
  Move M Moves layers and selections.
  Align Q Align or arrange layers and/or other objects.
  Crop Shift + C Crops or clips the image.
  Rotate Shift + R Rotates the active layer, selection or path.
  Scale Shift + T Scales the active layer, selection or path.
  Shear Shift + S Shifts part of the image to some direction.
  Perspective Shift + P Changes the perspective of the active layer, selection or path.
  Flip Shift + F Flips layers and selections.
Other tools
  Path B Allows selecting and modifying paths.
  Colour Picker O Selects the colour of any image opened on your screen.
  Magnify (Zoom) Z Alters the zoom level of the image.
  Measure Shift + M Shows distances and angles.
  Text M Places text into your image.

There are also some other tools, hidden by default. These tools need to be accessed from the "Tools" menu, or by showing them in toolbox (Windows > Dockable Dialogues > Tools).

Icon Name Shortcut Description
Colour tools
  Colour Balance (none) Modifies the colour balance of current selection or layer.
  Hue-Saturation (none) Adjusts hue, saturation and lightness.
  Colourize (none) Renders current selection or layer into a grey scale image seen through coloured glass.
  Brightness-Contrast (none) Adjusts brightness and contrast.
  Threshold (none) Transforms the current layer or selection into a black and white image.
  Levels (none) Changes the intensity range of the active layer or selection in every channel.
  Curves (none) Changes the colour, brightness, contrast or transparency of the active layer or path.
  Posterize (none) Reduces the number of colours.
  Desaturate (none) Converts all colour to the corresponding shades of grey.
Other tools
  GEGL operation (none) Executes a GEGL operation.

Tool options


By default, activating any tool, will have the effect of showing its options under the toolbox. Each tool has its own set of settings and any changes to them are kept through the current session. There are also four buttons under any options.

  •   Save options to... - save options of the current tool
  •   Restore options from... - restore options from saved file
  •   Delete saved options... - delete saved options
  •   Reset to default values - reset the settings to default values.

You can hide them by clicking on the arrow next to the tool name and deselecting Show Button Bar. You can also access these from the same menu under Tool Options Menu.

Colour, Indicator and Active Image area

Colour, Indicator and Active Image areas respectively.

Below the toolbox can be placed these three areas. This is set in "Edit > Preferences > Toolbox" and any of the three can be hid there.

Colour area


Shows current foreground and background colour. Clicking on either will bring up the colour editor dialogue.

Clicking on the symbol in the lower left corner resets the colour to their defaults. The D key has the same effect.

Clicking on the symbol in the upper right corner swaps the foreground and background colours. The X key has the same effect.

Indicator area


Shows currently selected brush, pattern or gradient. Clicking on any of these allows you to change it.

Active Image area


Displays a thumbnail of the active image. Clicking on it will bring the Images dialogue up, allowing you the select an image.