概述 编辑

 class ClassName(Base1, Base2, Base3):
    """Class documentation""" 
    def __init__(self,參數):
    def funcName(self,參數): #self 不是 python 關鍵字,把它換成其它名字也是表示類實例
        localVar = value0      
        self.DataMember = value1 # instance attribute
        self.__privateDataMember2 = value2 # instance private attribute
    dataMember1 = value    # A class attribute, not an instance one


  • 类的变量(类的属性 class attribute):类定义内部、但在成员函数之外 赋值的变量。可以按照 className.VarName或者instanceName.VarName读写,但是用instanceName.VarName写入值的时候,实际上是自动作为实例的变量写值;实例变量会屏蔽对同名类变量的访问。
  • 实例的变量(实例的属性 instance attribute):类的成员函数内部用self.VarName=Value 这种方式赋值的变量。不能被其它实例读写
  • 本地变量:类的成员函数内部用VarName=Value 这种方式赋值的变量。尽在当前函数内部有效。


  • 实例方法:一般第一个参数是self
  • 类方法:通常将第一个参数命名为cls。方法调用时会自动把类本身绑定给 cls 参数。类方法需要使用@classmethod修饰符进行修饰。类方法推荐使用类名直接调用
  • 静态方法:使用@staticmethod修饰



类的内部实现 编辑

类的字典(Class Dictionar)用vars(ClassName)或ClassName.__dict__访问,其中包含了:

  • 类的变量名与值
  • 类的方法名与地址
  • __module__与对应值
  • __dict__
  • __weakref__
  • __doc__与字符串值


在外部访问一个不存在的实例属性,这自动增加这个实例属性。用del关键字可以删除实例属性。这叫做动态类结构(Dynamic Class Structure)

类的继承 编辑


  • 类可以看做一个独立空间,在类的外部调用其中的实例方法,可以向调用普通函数那样,只不过需要额外备注类名(此方式又称为未绑定方法);
  • super() 函数用于调用父类实例的方法。但如果涉及多继承,该函数只能调用第一个直接父类实例的方法。


class People:
    def __init__(self,name):
        self.name = name
    def say(self):
class Animal:
    def __init__(self,food):
        self.food = food
    def display(self):
class Person(People, Animal):
    def __init__(self,name,food):
        #调用 People 类的构造方法
        #super(Person,self).__init__(name) #执行效果和上一行相同
        #People.__init__(self,name)#使用未绑定方法调用 People 类构造方法
        #调用其它父类的构造方法,需手动给 self 传值
per = Person("zhangsan","熟食")

类的特殊方法 编辑

  • __init__ : 初始化函数,在生成对象时调用
  • __del__ : 析构函数,释放对象时使用
  • __repr__ : 直接输入instanceName再回车时输出一个字符串。
  • __str__: print(instanceName)时输出一个字符串。
  • __len__: 获得长度
  • __enter__ 与 __exit__ :专用于with语句
  • __new__:Metaclass构造函数
函数 间接形式 直接形式
__getattr__ getattr(A, B) A.B
__setattr__ setattr(A, B, C) A.B = C
__delattr__ delattr(A, B) del A.B


函数 运算符
__add__ A + B
__sub__ A - B
__mul__ A * B
__truediv__ A / B
__floordiv__ A // B
__mod__ A % B
__pow__ A ** B
__and__ A & B
__or__ A | B
__xor__ A ^ B
__eq__ A == B
__ne__ A != B
__gt__ A > B
__lt__ A < B
__ge__ A >= B
__le__ A <= B
__lshift__ A << B
__rshift__ A >> B
__contains__ A in B
A not in B
函数 运算符
__pos__ +A
__neg__ -A
__inv__ ~A
__abs__ abs(A)
__len__ len(A)
函数 运算符
__getitem__ C[i]
__setitem__ C[i] = v
__delitem__ del C[i]
__getslice__ C[s:e]
__setslice__ C[s:e] = v
__delslice__ del C[s:e]
函数 运算符
__cmp__ cmp(x, y)
__hash__ hash(x)
__nonzero__ bool(x)
__call__ instanceName(params)
__iter__ iter(x)
__reversed__ reversed(x) (2.6+)
__divmod__ divmod(x, y)
__int__ int(x)
__long__ long(x)
__float__ float(x)
__complex__ complex(x)
__hex__ hex(x)
__oct__ oct(x)
__copy__ copy.copy(x)
__deepcopy__ copy.deepcopy(x)
__sizeof__ sys.getsizeof(x) (2.6+)
__trunc__ math.trunc(x) (2.6+)
__format__ format(x, ...) (2.6+)

综合示例 编辑

import math
class MyComplex:
  """A complex number"""       # Class documentation
  classvar = 0.0               # A class attribute, not an instance one
  def phase(self):             # A method
    return math.atan2(self.imaginary, self.real)
  def __init__(self):          # A constructor
    """A constructor"""
    self.real = 0.0            # An instance attribute
    self.imaginary = 0.0
c1 = MyComplex()
c1.real = 3.14                 # No access protection
c1.imaginary = 2.71
phase = c1.phase()             # Method call
c1.undeclared = 9.99           # Add an instance attribute
del c1.undeclared              # Delete an instance attribute

print vars(c1)                 # Attributes as a dictionary
vars(c1)["undeclared2"] = 7.77 # Write access to an attribute
print c1.undeclared2           # 7.77, indeed

MyComplex.classvar = 1         # Class attribute access
print c1.classvar == 1         # True; class attribute access, not an instance one
print "classvar" in vars(c1)   # False
c1.classvar = -1               # An instance attribute overshadowing the class one
MyComplex.classvar = 2         # Class attribute access
print c1.classvar == -1        # True; instance attribute acccess
print "classvar" in vars(c1)   # True

class MyComplex2(MyComplex):   # Class derivation or inheritance
  def __init__(self, re = 0, im = 0):
    self.real = re             # A constructor with multiple arguments with defaults
    self.imaginary = im
  def phase(self):
    print "Derived phase"
    return MyComplex.phase(self) # Call to a base class; "super"
c3 = MyComplex2()
c4 = MyComplex2(1, 1)
c4.phase()                     # Call to the method in the derived class

class Record: pass             # Class as a record/struct with arbitrary attributes
record = Record()
record.name = "Joe"
record.surname = "Hoe"

新风格类 编辑

从python 2.2开始支持新风格类(new-style class)。Python 3已经都是新风格类了,即使是按照老风格写的代码。

Classic Class:

>>> class ClassicFoo:
...     def __init__(self):
...         pass

New Style Class:

>>> class NewStyleFoo(object):
...     def __init__(self):
...         pass

属性 编辑


>>> class SpamWithProperties(object):
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.__egg = "MyEgg"
...     def get_egg(self):
...         return self.__egg
...     def set_egg(self, egg):
...         self.__egg = egg
...     egg = property(get_egg, set_egg)

>>> sp = SpamWithProperties()
>>> sp.egg
>>> sp.egg = "Eggs With Spam"
>>> sp.egg
'Eggs With Spam'

从Python 2.6开始有@property decorator:

>>> class SpamWithProperties(object):
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.__egg = "MyEgg"
...     @property
...     def egg(self):
...         return self.__egg
...     @egg.setter
...     def egg(self, egg):
...         self.__egg = egg

静态方法 编辑

>>> class StaticSpam(object):
...     def StaticNoSpam():
...         print "You can't have have the spam, spam, eggs and spam without any spam... that's disgusting"
...     NoSpam = staticmethod(StaticNoSpam)

>>> StaticSpam.NoSpam()
You can't have have the spam, spam, eggs and spam without any spam... that's disgusting

或使用函数decorator @staticmethod

>>> class StaticSpam(object):
...     @staticmethod
...     def StaticNoSpam():
...         print "You can't have have the spam, spam, eggs and spam without any spam... that's disgusting"

菱形继承的方法搜索顺序 编辑

Python 2.2开始,多继承中父类的搜索顺序是广度优先MRO(Method Resolution Order),称为C3算法。这样的新式类有__mro__属性,可以打印出父类搜索顺序。

最佳实践 编辑


封装 编辑


所有的私有,都不能在类的外部使用。父类的私有属性可以被子类调用吗? 不可以。

Python 其实没有真正的隐藏机制,双下画线只是 Python 的一个小技巧,Python 会“偷偷”地改变以双下画线开头的方法名,会在这些方法名前添加单下画线和类名。因此上面的 __method1() 方法其实可以按_className__method1方式调用(通常并不推荐这么干)。

Doc Strings 编辑


运行时增加方法 编辑

增加给类 编辑

class Spam:
  def __init__(self):
    self.myeggs = 5

def cook(self):
  print "cooking %s eggs" % self.myeggs

Spam.cook = cook   #add the function to the class Spam
eggs = Spam()      #NOW create a new instance of Spam
eggs.cook()        #and we are ready to cook!

This will output

cooking 5 eggs

增加给实例 编辑

class Spam:
  def __init__(self):
    self.myeggs = 5

eggs = Spam()

def cook(self):
  print "cooking %s eggs" % self.myeggs

import types
f = types.MethodType(cook, eggs, Spam)
eggs.cook = f



cooking 5 eggs

使用一个函数 编辑


def attach_method(fxn, instance, myclass):
  f = types.MethodType(fxn, instance, myclass)
  setattr(instance, fxn.__name__, f)
attach_method(cook, eggs, Spam)

在函数add_method中不能写instance.fxn = f因为它增加了一次函数调用fxn到这个实例