
血液概观 编辑

气体交换 编辑

血液成分 编辑

血浆组成 编辑

红血球 编辑

概观 编辑

功能 编辑

白血球 编辑

功能 编辑

血小板 编辑

止血(凝结或凝血) 编辑

血型与输血 编辑

ABO 血型 编辑

表面抗原 编辑

继承 编辑

血液/血浆传输的相容性 编辑

新生儿的溶血性疾病(Hemolytic Disease) 编辑

血液相关的疾病 编辑

温韦伯氏疾病(Von Willebrand Disease) 编辑

弥漫性血管内凝血(Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation,DIC) 编辑

血友病(Hemophilia) 编辑

Factor V Leiden 编辑

贫血(Anemia) 编辑

镰状细胞(Sickle cell) 编辑

红血球增多症(Polycythemia) 编辑

白血病(Leukemia) 编辑

词汇表 编辑

a major blood protein responsible for the maintenance of osmotic (water) pressure in the blood
a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin caused by lack of iron, folic acid or vitamin B12 in the diet, or by red blood cell destruction; associated with decreased ability of blood to carry oxygen
cell responsible for the distribution of antibodies
this white blood cell enters damaged tissues and releases a histamine and other chemicals that promote inflammation in the body to fight pathogens
the means and transport system of the body used in carrying elements - nutrition, waste, heat - from one location in the body to another by way of blood vessels
white blood cell that is involved in the immune response against parasitic worms (such as tapeworms and roundworms). Named because it stains with the red dye "eosin."
V Leiden因子
most common genetic hypercoagulability disorder.
Formed Elements
the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets found in blood
measurement of the % of red blood cells found in blood
iron-containing pigment in red blood cells that combines with and transports oxygen
genetic disorder in which the affected individual may have uncontrollable bleeding; blood does not clot
the process by which blood flow is stopped; also describes the clotting of blood
cells of the Lymphatic system, provide defense against specific pathogen or toxins
The largest white blood cell. Becomes a macrophage when activated. Engulfs pathogens and debris through phagocytosis, also involved in presenting antigens to B and T lymphocytes.
the most common white blood cell; they are phagocytic and engulf pathogens or debris in the tissues; also release cytotoxic enzymes and chemicals to kill pathogens
also known as "Natural Killer Cells", these T lymphocytes are responsible for surveillance and detection of abnormal tissue cells; important in preventing cancer
process by which amoeboid-like cells engulf and ingest, and thereby destroy, foreign matter or material
cells that mediate by coordinating the immune system and enter the peripheral tissues. They can attack foreign cells directly and control the activities of other lymphocytes

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