
有序列表 編輯

    <li>First item</li>
    <li>Second item</li>
    <li>Third item</li>


  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

無序號列表 編輯

    <li>First item</li>
    <li>Second item</li>
    <li>Third item</li>


  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item

定義列表 編輯

    <dt>Term 1</dt>
    <dd>Definition of Term 1</dd>
    <dt>Term 2</dt>
    <dd>Definition of Term 2</dd>


Term 1
Definition of Term 1
Term 2
Definition of Term 2


    <dt>Cascading Style Sheets</dt>
    <dd>Definition of Cascading Style Sheets (aka CSS)</dd>
    <dt>Term 2</dt>
    <dd>Definition of Term 2</dd>


Cascading Style Sheets
Definition of Cascading Style Sheets (aka CSS)
Term 2
Definition of Term 2


    <dd>Small mammal</dd>
    <dd>Input device for a computer</dd>


Small mammal
Input device for a computer


    <dt>Term 2</dt>
      <p>First paragraph of the definition.</p>
      <p>Second paragraph of the definition.</p>


Term 2

First paragraph of the definition.

Second paragraph of the definition.

嵌套列表 編輯

      <li>Numbered Lists</li>
      <li>Unnumbered Lists</li>


  • Lists
    • Numbered Lists
    • Unnumbered Lists


    <li>Numbered Lists</li>
    <li>Unnumbered Lists</li>


      Outer list item
            Inner list item within two consecutive UL elements

關于格式的註解 編輯


例子 編輯

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <h1>A Recipe for Pancakes</h1>
    <p>From <a href="">Wikibooks Cookbook</a>.</p>
    <p>These pancakes make a good breakfast for a family.
       They go well with real maple syrup.
       They are healthy too (as long as you don't over do the syrup)
       since whole wheat flour contributes to your fiber intake.
      <li>1 cup whole wheat flour</li>
      <li>1 tablespoon common granulated sugar</li>
      <li>2 teaspoons baking powder</li>
      <li>1/4 teaspoon salt</li>
      <li>1 egg</li>
      <li>1 cup milk</li>
      <li>2 tablespoons oil</li>
      <li>additional oil for frying</li>
      <li>Oil a frying pan.</li>
      <li>Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl.</li>
      <li>In another bowl, scramble the egg, then add the other wet ingredients.
          This includes the 2 tablespoons of oil.</li>
      <li>Mix the dry and wet ingredients together,
          well enough to eliminate dry spots but no more.</li>
      <li>Heat the frying pan to medium temperature.
          The pan is hot enough when a drop of water dances around
          rather than simply boiling away.</li>
      <li>Pour a pancake, about 4 inches in diameter using about a 1/4 cup of batter.</li>
      <li>The pancake will bubble. When the bubbling settles down and
          the edges are slightly dry, flip the pancake.</li>
      <li>When the pancake looks done, remove it and start another one.</li>
    <p>Traditionally, pancakes are topped with butter and maple syrup.
       Other toppings can include strawberries, applesauce, cinnamon, or sugar.