
一個變數方程圖 編輯

>g2 := -0.2e-2*y^2;

>g4 := -0.1e-1*y^2+0.19e-3*y^4;

> g6 := -0.1e-1*y^2+0.19e-3*y^4-0.9e-6*y^6;

> plot(g2(y), y = 1 .. 7, color = red);

Maple plot g2
plot(g4(y), y = 1 .. 8, color-blue);
Maple plot g2

>plot(g6(y), y = 1 .. 10);

Maple plot g2

多圖合併 編輯

t2 := plot(g2(y), y = 1 .. 10, color = red): t4 := plot(g4(y), y = 1 .. 8, color = blue): t6 := plot(g6(y), y = 1 .. 8): display({t2, t4, t6});

Maple display three curves

旋轉和反轉圖形 編輯

Maple plot rotate

>K2 := plot(g2, y = 0 .. 10,color=red): plottools:-reflect(plottools:-rotate(K2, (1/2)*Pi), [[0, 0], [0, 1;

K4:= plot(g4, y = 0 .. 10,color=blue): plottools:-reflect(plottools:-rotate(K4, (1/2)*Pi), [[0, 0], [0, 1]]);

>K6 := plot(g6, y = 0 .. 10, color = black); plottools:-reflect(plottools:-rotate(K6, (1/2)*Pi), [[0, 0], [0, 1]]);

Maple diplay two curves rotate and refect
Maple diplay three curves rotate and refect