Template:Cite speech

本引用模板專門用來引用演說內容。修改自{{cite conference}}。


{{cite speech
 | title = Economic Isolationism Isn't an Option
 | author = Eskew, Mike
 | first = Eskew
 | last = Mike
 | authorlink = 
 | date = 12/2004
 | location = Washington, D.C.
 | url = 
 | accessdate = 


  • author: 演說人
    • last works with first to produce last, first
    • authorlink works either with author or with last & first to link to the appropriate article
  • date: Full date of speech, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 2006-02-17. (Not automatically wikified.)
    • OR: year: Year of speech, and month: Name of the month of the speech. If you also have the day, use date instead.
  • title: Title of the speech, automatically replaced by Speech if not supplied.
  • location: 演說地點
  • url: url of a link to the text of the speech or a page mentioning the speech (will wikify the title or the word Speech)
    • accessdate: Full date when item was accessed, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 2006-02-17. (Automatically wikified.)


{{cite speech
 | title = Title
 | author = First Last
 | authorlink = First
 | date = April 1, 2000
 | location = Location
 | url = http://www.example.org
 | accessdate = 2006-10-12

結果: First Last"Title" Location(2000年4月1日).於2006年10月12日查閱


{{cite speech
 | last = Last
 | first = First
 | date = April 1, 2000
 | location = Location

結果: Last, FirstSpeech Location(2000年4月1日)

Note that this template is self-referencing (in the example).