条件分支语句 编辑

if 语句 编辑

if (condition)
  // Do something
  // Do something else

可以级联使用if, else if, else if, else if, else语句:

using System;

public class IfStatementSample
    public void IfMyNumberIs()
        int myNumber = 5;

        if ( myNumber == 4 )
            Console.WriteLine("This will not be shown because myNumber is not 4.");
        else if( myNumber < 0 )
            Console.WriteLine("This will not be shown because myNumber is not negative.");
        else if( myNumber % 2 == 0 )
            Console.WriteLine("This will not be shown because myNumber is not even.");
            Console.WriteLine("myNumber does not match the coded conditions, so this sentence will be shown!");

switch 语句 编辑

case语句必须有跳转语句(breakgotoreturn)。但可以堆积("stacking")case语句,如下例。如果使用goto语句,可以跳转到case标签或者default case (例如 goto case 0goto default)。


switch (nCPU)
    case 0:
        Console.WriteLine("You don't have a CPU! :-)");
    case 1:
        Console.WriteLine("Single processor computer");
    case 2:
        Console.WriteLine("Dual processor computer");
        // Stacked cases
    case 3:
        // falls through
    case 4:
        // falls through
    case 5:
        // falls through
    case 6:
        // falls through
    case 7:
        // falls through
    case 8:
        Console.WriteLine("A multi processor computer");
        Console.WriteLine("A seriously parallel computer");


switch (aircraftIdent)
    case "C-FESO":
        Console.WriteLine("Rans S6S Coyote");
    case "C-GJIS":
        Console.WriteLine("Rans S12XL Airaile");
        Console.WriteLine("Unknown aircraft");

迭代语句 编辑

do ... while loop 编辑

using System;

public class DoWhileLoopSample
    public void PrintValuesFromZeroToTen()
        int number = 0;

        } while(number <= 10);

for loop 编辑

public class ForLoopSample
    public void ForFirst100NaturalNumbers()
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

foreach loop 编辑

public class ForEachSample
    public void DoSomethingForEachItem()
        string[] itemsToWrite = {"Alpha", "Bravo", "Charlie"};

        foreach (string item in itemsToWrite)

while loop 编辑

using System;

public class WhileLoopSample
    public void RunForAWhile()
        TimeSpan durationToRun = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30);
        DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

        while (DateTime.Now - start < durationToRun)
            Console.WriteLine("not finished yet");

跳转语句 编辑

break 编辑

break语句用于跳出switch语句的case标签,或者跳出for、foreach、while、do .. while循环。

using System;

namespace JumpSample
    public class Entry
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) // see the comparison, i < 10
                if (i >= 3)
                    // Not run over the code, and get out of loop.
                    // Note: The rest of code will not be executed,
                    //       & it leaves the loop instantly
            // Here check the value of i, it will be 3, not 10.
            Console.WriteLine("The value of OneExternCounter: {0}", i);

continue 编辑


using System;

namespace JumpSample
    public class Entry
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int OneExternCounter = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                if (i >= 5)
                    continue;   // Not run over the code, and return to the beginning 
                                // of the scope as if it had completed the loop
                OneExternCounter += 1;
            // Here check the value of OneExternCounter, it will be 5, not 10.
            Console.WriteLine("The value of OneExternCounter: {0}", OneExternCounter);

return 编辑

namespace JumpSample
    public class Entry
        static int Fun()
            int a = 3;
            return a; // the code terminates here from this function
            a = 9;    // here is a block that will not be executed

        static void Main(string[] args)
            int OnNumber = Fun();
            // the value of OnNumber is 3, not 9...

yield 编辑


yield ::= "yield" "return" expression
yield ::= "yield" "break"

下例在方法MyCounter中使用yield关键字。该方法定义了一个iterator block,并发挥枚举器对象。

using System;
using System.Collections;

public class YieldSample
    public static IEnumerable MyCounter(int stop, int step)
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < stop; i += step)
            yield return i;

    static void Main()
        foreach (int j in MyCounter(10, 2))
            Console.WriteLine("{0} ", j);
        // Will display 0 2 4 6 8

throw 编辑


namespace ExceptionSample
    public class Warrior
        private string Name { get; set; }

        public Warrior(string name)
            if (name == "Piccolo")
                throw new Exception("Piccolo can't battle!");

    public class Entry
        static void Main(string[] args)
                Warrior a = new Warrior("Goku");
                Warrior b = new Warrior("Vegeta");
                Warrior c = new Warrior("Piccolo"); // exception here!
            catch(Exception e)