诺维亚语(ISO 639-3 code: nov)是一种国际辅助语言(IAL),由著名语言学家奥托·耶斯佩森教授设计。。在IAL的主要语言中,诺维亚语是从词汇和语法方面都最接近英语的语言,可能是以英语为母语者最容易学习的外语。
该课程的文本基于一个令人兴奋的具有超自然意味的福尔摩斯小说:由柯南道尔在1901-1902在Strand Magazine上首次发表的巴斯克维尔的猎犬。 在每节课的文本后有全部新单词的词汇表,语法和构词法要点。之后会有练习,以便学生巩固自己的词汇和造句。
课程如下 (在目录表也有详细页面):
0. 发音指导 | ||
1. 巴斯克维尔猎犬 | - | Li Hunde del Familie Baskerville |
2. 巴斯克维尔的诅咒 | - | Li Malediktione del Baskervilles |
3. 传奇 | - | Li Legende |
4. 圈养 | - | Li Kaptate |
5. 地狱猎犬 | - | Li Hunde de Inferne |
6. 勘验 | - | Li Inquesto |
7. 足迹 | - | Li Pede-printatus |
A1. 附录 1 | - | 前缀 |
A2. 附录 2 | - | 后缀 |
A3. 附录 3 | - | 词性变化表 |
绿野仙踪 - Li Sorsiero de Oz
1. The Cyclone | - | Li Siklone |
2. The Council with the Munchkins File:0%.svg | - | Li Konsilo kun li Munchkines |
Pri li numral sisteme del finni lingue File:100%.svg
一种国际语言; Image:50%.svg
An International Language is a work in progress. It is a translation of the original 1928 book on Novial from English into Novial.
Novial surpasses the other international languages in all respects.
——Professor C. C. Uhlenbeck of Leiden University, President of the First International Congress of Linguists (1928)
Novial, invented by Professor Jespersen, is really good: there is a good deal of English in it, so that it is delightfully easy to read. Besides, Professor Jespersen has common sense, which is a great advantage in a professor. Everybody can learn Novial, there is very little grammar in it; but one must be English to understand how one can get along splendidly without grammar.
——George Bernard Shaw
- 诺维亚语维基
- 国际辅助语言:诺维亚语信息–包括Otto Jespersen教授1928年介绍诺维亚语的书籍。
- 诺维亚语词典: 诺维亚语-英语、法语、德语词典。
- 诺维亚语讨论组: Yahoo!的诺维亚语讨论组。
- 1928年诺维亚语总结
- 总结的1930版本
- Facebook的诺维亚语讨论组
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